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卷 12, 编号 4 (2021)



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Rates of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents in St. Petersburg: assessment of the risks of developing metabolic syndrome

Ivanov D., Uspensky Y., Baryshnikova N., Zakharov D., Sousova Y.


Background. It is known that the earlier a person’s body weight exceeds the normal range, the metabolic disorders associated with obesity will form at an earlier age. The progressive increase in the prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome in different countries is primarily associated with the so-called “human risk factors”, which include: physical inactivity, excessive consumption of food rich in fats and carbohydrates, stress, smoking. In this regard, it is extremely important to regularly monitor the body weight of children and adolescents in order to early identify a tendency to increase body weight for the making recommendations for maintaining weight within the normal range.

Aim. To evaluate the frequency of obesity and overweight in children, adolescents and adults from among the residents of St. Petersburg, to conduct a comparative assessment of the data obtained.

Materials and methods. The work was attended by students of St. Petersburg schools (children and adolescents) and patients (adults) who are being treated in St. Petersburg State Medical Institution “Elizavetinskaya Hospital”. The sample was random: when collecting data from children and adolescents, data from one of the classes in each parallel from 4th to 11th grade were taken into account, when collecting data from adults – 2 people from each ward of the gastroenterology department of the St. Petersburg State Medical Institution “Elizavetinskaya Hospital”. Data collection was carried out in the period: August–December 2020. Statistical processing was performed out using the computer software package SPSS 8.0. Estimation of anthropometric parameters (age, body weight, height) and calculation of body mass index (BMI) were performed in 74 children (age 9–12 years), 137 adolescents (age 13–18 years) and 55 adults (mean age 49.12 ± 17.03).

Results. An increase in body weight was detected in 6.8% of children (5.4% – overweight and 1.4% – obese of the 1st degree), 14.6 % of adolescents (11.7% – overweight and 2.9% – obese of the 1st degree) and 62% of adults (36% – overweight, 13% – obese of the 1st degree, 7% – obese of the 2nd degree, 6% – obese of the 3rd degree). During the correlation analysis, it was observed that the proportion of overweight people in the observed age categories increased with age (p < 0.05).

Conclusions. Overweight and obesity begin to be detected already in children, in a fairly large percentage of cases already occur in adolescents and are observed in more than half of the adults surveyed in St. Petersburg. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out activities among parents of preschoolers and schoolchildren, as well as, if possible, the children themselves, to form motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent the early development of overweight.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2021;12(4):5-13
pages 5-13 views

Original studies


Gladin D., Khairullina A., Korolyuk A., Kozlova N., Ananyeva O., Gorbunov O.



本研究旨在对St.Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University 2019年门诊患者各种临床材料中分离的葡萄球菌进行物种组成特征分析,并分析其对抗菌药物的敏感性。


结果。院内葡萄球菌有6种,新生儿病理科和重症监护室以表皮葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus epidermidis)为主(分别为63.0和46.2%),外科和治疗科以金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)为主(分别­ 为61.7和46.2%)。超过一半的葡萄球菌(63.0%)对至少一种抗菌药物耐药。万古霉素(Vancomycin)和利奈唑胺(Linezolid)对菌株的抑制作用最强。高比例的多抗性(MDR—multidrug-resistant)培养(37.8%) 和广泛耐药(XDR—extensively drug-resistant)菌株(33.0%)被鉴定。耐药菌株以溶血葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus haemolyticus)(98.1%)和表皮葡萄球菌(S.epidermidis)(82.0%)所占比例最大。而耐药、多耐药和广泛耐药在金黄色葡萄球菌(S.aureus)中所占比例极低(分别为16,2,1,5和0.4%),以及耐甲氧西林 菌株(0.8%)。


Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2021;12(4):15-25
pages 15-25 views

Estimation of the proportionality of the physical development of children of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous district – Yugra with non-differentiated connective tissue displasion

Shevnin I., Ilyushchenko N., Ragozin O., Ragozin O., Ermakova N.


Background. Assessment of the physical development of children in individual regions of the Russian Federation does not lose its relevance and requires constant updating, in this regard, it is important to study it in children adapting to the climatic and geographical conditions of the North, as well as the effect of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia on it.

Aim. Aim of the study is to study the gender and age characteristics of the proportionality of physical development in children with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia living in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra.

Materials and methods. The analysis of physical development of 528 children of the second childhood and adolescence, living in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, was carried out. The study group consisted of 342 children (248 boys and 94 girls) with a diagnostically significant number of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia symptoms (from 6 to 18 stigmas). The comparison group included 186 children (111 boys and 75 girls) who did not score a significant threshold of phene signs (from 0 to 5 stigmas). Physical development was assessed according to the Quetelet II weight-height index, chest-weight indices: Pignet, Vervek, and Brugsch, as well as proportionality indices: sternum, shoulder width, pelvic width, torso shape, arm and leg length indices, cranial and facial indices, interorbital-circular index.

Results. Children without undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia during the second childhood have a tendency to malnutrition, and are characterized by a weak physique with a tendency to narrow chest. In adolescence, the tendency towards weakness of the physique persists, while height-weight ratios deviate towards normotrophy. Children with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia during the second childhood and adolescence have a rectangular or trapezoidal body with an average length, as well as long upper and lower limbs relative to the length of the body.

Conclusion. The impact of the socio-ecological factors of the North neutralizes the differences in the rates of physical development in healthy children and persons with disorders caused by congenital disorders of organogenesis of the undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia type.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2021;12(4):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Method for assessing the sublingual immunotherapy with house dust mite allergens effectiveness in children with bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis

Korostovtsev D., Trusova O., Kamaev A.


Background. For practical health care, tools for assessing the effect of allergen-specific immunotherapy have not been developed.

Aim. Approbation of the system for evaluating the effectiveness of sublingual immunotherapy with house dust mite allergens in patients with bronchial asthma with allergic rhinitis.

Materials and methods. 28 cases of sublingual immunotherapy treatment in patients aged 5 to 13 years, (8,6 [6,7; 11,6]) with control in pairs-copies matched by age, sex, and asthma severity were analyzed. Thus, the study included 56 patients. Patients in the control group did not receive sublingual immunotherapy. For 1 year before the start of treatment, and for the first year of treatment, the complex of clinical signs of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis, the need for basic and emergency therapy was assessed. The scores were calculated for symptoms, for drugs, and a total Score of symptoms and drugs.

Results. During 1 year of therapy, patients showed dynamics of the total Score from 23,32 ± 1,21 points to 16,21 ± 1,77 in the main group, and from 23,99 ± 1,2 points to 20.92 ± 2.09 in control group (p = 0.028). The greatest difference was found within medication domain.

Conclusion. The developed system for assessing the symptoms and the need for medications makes it possible to show the difference between groups of patients, in favor of the sublingual immunotherapy group. For 1 year of sublingual immunotherapy therapy, a difference in the total Score dynamics and the domain of drugs was revealed between the groups. The proposed assessment system is recommended for further investigation.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2021;12(4):35-43
pages 35-43 views


Kawasaki-multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children in the delayed period of coronavirus infection (covid-19): modern state of the problem and possible new approaches to treatment (plasmapheresis)

Groznova O., Warriors V., Donich D., Vetrov V., Ivanov D.


COVID-19 infection usually occurs in children in a mild form, but some of them in a delayed period (one or several weeks after acute infection with COVID-19) may develop a severe inflammatory disease with clinical manifestations similar to toxic shock syndrome (Kawasaki disease), classified as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MISC). It is possible that the syndrome has only a temporary connection with the COVID-19 infection. In the future, new associations of such clinical manifestations with other infectious (or non-infectious) diseases may appear. But currently, all children in the described cohorts with MISC have an association with COVID-19 infection. It is believed that the syndrome is initiated by an excessive adaptive immune response with the formation of autoantibodies. Treatment is based on anti-inflammatory, including steroid therapy, the possible use of intravenous immunoglobulin, aspirin, interleukin 1 and 6 receptor antagonists. The article analyzes current views on Kawasaki-multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children in the delayed period of COVID-19 coronavirus infection in the aspects of diagnosis, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations (with a discussion of foreign and Russian studies) and approaches to therapy and possible prevention, including the possibility of using plasmapheresis in complex therapy.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2021;12(4):45-57
pages 45-57 views


Smirnov O., Gorbachev V., Aleinikova N.


优化营养支持对危重儿童至关重要,早产儿极易受到长时间禁食的影响。在科学文献中有很多证据表明肠内营养的好处。由于分解代谢过程占主导地位,早产儿需要一个单独的方法来组织喂养,而在重症监护病房治疗需要多余的卡路里。及时引入肠内喂养有助于降低该人群的发病率和死亡率。胃食管反流在早产儿中极为常见。由于对肠内喂养的耐受性降低,医生通常更倾向于肠外营养。然而,使用肠外营养可能与代谢、感染和医源性并发症有关。在早产儿胃食管反流的治疗中,建议循序渐进的治疗方法。对于无临床并发症的患儿,应以保守治疗为主。重病患者对胃管营养的耐受性并不总是很好。对于复杂的胃食管反流的治疗,广泛的研究表明,使用经腔喂养在效果上与胃底折叠术相当。食管穿刺术可以作为治疗胃食管反流的一种策略,保守治疗 难治性。

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2021;12(4):59-67
pages 59-67 views

Наследственные болезни обмена

Lysosomal storage diseases. Mucopolysaccharidosis type III, sanfilippo syndrome

Gorbunova V., Buchinskaya N.


The review describes the clinical, biochemical and molecular genetic characteristics of autosomal recessive mucopolysaccharidosis type III, or Sanfilippo syndrome. This is a genetically heterogeneous group of rare, but similar in nature, diseases caused by a deficiency of one of the four lysosomal enzymes involved in the degradation of heparan sulfate. All types of mucopolysaccharidosis III are characterized by severe degeneration of the central nervous system in combination with mild somatic manifestations, which is explained by the accumulation of high concentrations of heparan sulfate in the lysosomes of various cells, including the central nervous system. The primary biochemical defect in the most common type of mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA, occurring with a frequency of 1 : 105 and presented in 60% of all cases of the disease, is heparan-N-sulfatase, or sulfamidase deficiency. Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIB type occurs twice less often and accounts for about 30% of all cases of Sanfilippo syndrome. It is caused by the presence of inactivating mutations in the lysosomal α-N-acetylglucosaminidase gene. Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIC and IIID are 4% and 6%, and occur at frequencies of 0.7 and 1.0 : 106. Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIC is caused by inactivating mutations in the gene of membrane-bound lysosomal acetyl-CoA:α-glucosaminid-N-acetyltransferase, or N-acetyltransferase. Mucopolysaccharidosis IIID is based on the deficiency of lysosomal N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase. The role of experimental models in the study of the biochemical basis of the pathogenesis of Sanfilippo syndrome and the development of various therapeutic approaches are discussed. The possibility of neonatal screening, early diagnosis, prevention and pathogenetic therapy of these severe lysosomal diseases are considered. As an example, a clinical case of diagnosis and treatment of a child with type IIIB mucopolysaccharidosis is presented.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2021;12(4):69-81
pages 69-81 views

Clinical observation

Hyperekplexia. Clinical observation

Fomina M., Melashenko T., Palchik A., Pavlova O., Malekov D.


The differential diagnosis of paroxysmal conditions, as well as disorders of muscle tone (hypertension) in the neonatal period and in young children is quite complicated. Various states of the nervous system in newborns are transient and permanent, optimal and suboptimal, normal and pathological. Among them, we can mention non-epileptic paroxysmal states of early childhood. In some cases, non-epileptic paroxysmal states of early childhood is accompanied by motor disorders, manifested by an excessive increase in limb tone in newborns. This pathological condition of muscle tone in the English-language literature is referred to by the term stiffness baby (the syndrome of a “rigid” or “fettered” baby). Neonatal pathological muscle hypertonicity, unlike physiological hypertonicity of muscles of a newborn, is a rather rare condition. The article presents literature data and a description of the clinical observation of a patient with hyperekplexia. Hyperekplexia is a rare paroxysmal movement disorder in young children. The main clinical variants of the disease, methods of diagnosis and correction, the main mutations associated with this condition are considered. The article describes the own clinical observation of an early-age patient with hyperekplexia, its clinical picture, features of paroxysmal states and therapy, neuroimaging data, electroencephalographic phenomena recorded in the patient and genetic testing that confirmed the diagnosis of non-epileptic paroxysmal disorders. The child has a mutation in the ATAD1 gene associated with type 4 Hyperekplexia (618011).

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2021;12(4):83-88
pages 83-88 views



Artemenkov A.


这篇综述介绍了从Yuriy Petrovich Pushkarev教授的观点,关于血液循环和呼吸的躯体植物相互作用的 信息。这些数据说明了内稳态和适应问题的复杂性和通用性,以及许多问题的未解决性质,这些问题对于理解身体内部环境的稳定性和建立规范的边界很重要。研究表明,在人体的神经体液系统中,各种功能系统的组成部分不断地相互作用,以保证呼吸和血液循环的接口,并形成系统间的连接。在动物和人类在出生后的个体发生的功能形成的一些方面被考虑。内稳态是指体内指标的内部平衡,但其值由于中心点与周缘的功能整合而不断变化。获得有用的适应结果的过程具有生理指标的不对称性,系统间的相互作用保证了适应环境条件下内稳态常数的平衡。随着超过阈值的环境影响和内稳态参数的改变,为了维持一定水平的稳定状态,会发生补偿性和适应性反应,通过系统间连接的形成,消除或限制有害因素的作用,优化身体与环境的相互作用。对某些疾病和应激影响下机体功能改变的病理生理机制进行了分析。在Y.P.Pushkarev的思想背景下,进一步研究躯体植物相互作用,将揭示动物和人体内功能同步的真正机制,从而理解其作为一个独立的自我调节系统的存在。

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2021;12(4):89-101
pages 89-101 views

Medical education

The role of lectures in the modern educational space

Andreeva S., Karelina N., Kim T., Artyukh L., Opedizano M.


This article presents the authors’ personal views on the role, the place and the forms of lecture teaching of the morphological disciplines at the medical universities. Historical analysis shows that lecture has traditionally been the leading form of a university education. At the same time, the increasing requirements for the quality and efficiency of the modern educational process, the intensive intercalation of computer technologies in education and medicine raise the question of the preferred methods of conducting this type of classes. In addition, the difficult epidemiological situation, that is observed today around the world, has made its own adjustments to this discussion. The article provides a comparative overview of the various forms of presentation of lecture material (face-to-face lectures, online lectures in synchronous and asynchronous versions), and details the advantages and the disadvantages of each of them. Evaluating the positive and the negative aspects of the remote lectures, we can say that this format is not perfect for studying at a medical university. Moreover, it is not suitable for giving lectures on human anatomy because their demonstrativeness suffers. “A lecture is a parade of a department”, – noticed the academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences V.N. Shevkunenko. It can give an ability for a creativity, a lifeline in the process of a powerful flow of information to a student, select the most useful and necessary things, promote the development of а professional competence, help to find guidelines, life values and meanings. All this can be fully implemented only with “live” communication in а lecture audience, which is the secret of the longevity of a lecture.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2021;12(4):103-112
pages 103-112 views
