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卷 29, 编号 1 (2021)



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Original study

Clinical and Genetic Characteristics of Phenylketonuria in Ryazan Region

Yakubovskii G., Serebriakova O., Yakubovskaya A., Ruban N., Lyakhovets A.


Aim. This investigation seeks to determine the incidence of phenylketonuria in the Ryazan region, assess the spectrum of mutations in the PAH gene (phenylalanine hydroxylase), investigate the interrelationship between the disease’s clinical course, the phenylalanine blood level, and the patient’s genotype.

Materials and Methods. The incidence of phenylketonuria was studied based on the data of massive neonatal screening for the period from 2000 to 2019. Molecular genetic examination of mutations was conducted in 39 patients using the allele-specific multiplex ligation method. The interrelationship between the phenylalanine blood level on the fifth day of life and retest, the disease’s clinical course, and the patient’s genotype was assessed according to the medical record data of 33 patients under dispensary observation in a medico-genetic clinic. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group (n=21) had two «severe» mutations (residual activity of phenylalanine hydroxylase <10%). The second group (n=12) had one «severe» and one «mild» mutation (the residual activity of the enzyme >10%).

Results. The incidence of phenylketonuria in the Ryazan region was one in 5054 newborns, exceeding the Russian Federation’s average parameters. Eighteen mutations were discovered in the PAH gene. The most frequent was the R408W mutation (56.4% alleles). The second most frequent mutations were the IVS10-11G>A (6.4%) and P281L (5.1%). The R158Q and Y418C mutations occurred with a frequency of 4.1% and Е280К mutation of 2.7%. All the rest of the
mutations occurred as single cases. Investigation of the interrelationship between the phenylalanine blood level, the disease’s clinical course, and the patient’s genotype revealed a reliably higher content of amino acid in the first group on retest (32.1±1.7 mg/% vs. 17.7±1.5 mg/% in the second group, р<0.001) and predomination of more severe forms of phenylketonuria (90.5% vs. 41.7%, respectively, р<0.001). Disorders in neuropsychic and speech development were present in 28.6% of patients in the first group but were absent in the second group.

Conclusion. By conducting the study, the incidence of phenylketonuria was determined in the Ryazan region. The spectrum of mutations in the PAH gene was defined. The interrelationship between the disease’s clinical portrait, the phenylalanine blood level, and the patient’s PAH genotype was revealed.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Anatomical peculiarities of the sphenoidal sinus based on computed tomography data: structural types and correlation with maxillary sinuses

Zeleva O., Zelter P., Kolsanov A., Pyshkina Y., Kramm E.


Detailed knowledge of anatomy and topography of sphenoidal and maxillary sinuses may help to improve surgical approaches, better predict postoperative complications, increase safety of surgical techniques, and, consequently, avoid inflammatory reactions. This also helps to determine the cause of inflammatory changes.

Aim. This study aimed to analyze structural types of sphenoidal and maxillary sinuses by examining computed tomography (CT) images of the paranasal sinuses, to determine the frequency of the interposition of the internal carotid artery, and to identify sex- and age-related peculiarities and regularities in the extent of pneumatization and contents in the sphenoidal and maxillary sinuses.

Materials and Methods. CT images of 50 patients who were receiving treatment in the otolaryngology unit of the Clinic of SamSMU were analyzed. Toshiba Aquilion 32 CT scanner was used.

Results. Patients were divided into three groups according to Hamberger classification of the pneumatization of the sphenoidal sinus by taking into account the topographic relation to the sella turcica using CT data: the presellar type was identified in 10% (n=5) of the cases, the sellar type in 22% (n=11), and the postsellar type in 68% (n=34). The postsellar type is the most common structural type of the sphenoidal sinus. Moreover, patients were divided into groups by the type of pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses. No correlation was found between the pneumatizations of sphenoidal and maxillary sinuses. Moderate negative correlation was observed between age and structural type of the sinuses, and moderate positive correlation was found between the contents of the sinuses. Interposition of the internal carotid arteries was identified in 3 (6%) patients.

Conclusions. Our data revealed that the postsellar type is the most common structural type of sphenoidal sinuses. The extent of pneumatization of the sphenoidal and maxillary sinuses is independent of each other. Anatomical peculiarities of the sphenoidal sinus in the form of the interposition of the internal carotid arteries are not very rare and should be taken into account in planning surgical interventions.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):13-20
pages 13-20 views

Influence of different concentrations of fibrinogen on the properties of a fibrin matrix for vascular tissue engineering

Matveeva V., Khanova M., Glushkova T., Antonova L.


Aim. To evaluate the potential utility of fibrin matrices containing 10, 20, and 25 mg/ml of fibrinogen (fibrin-10, fibrin-20, and fibrin-30, respectively) in vascular tissue engineering (VTE).

Materials and Methods. Fibrinogen was isolated using the method of ethanol cryoprecipitation and polymerized using a solution of thrombin and CaCl2. The fibrin structure was studied in a scanning electron microscope, and the physical and mechanical properties of the material were tested on a Zwick/Roell test machine. The metabolic activity of endothelial cells (EC) on the fibrin surface was evaluated by the MTT assay, and the viability of fibroblasts in the thickness of fibrin and possibility for migration by in fluorescent and light microscopy. Percent of fibrin shrinkage was determined from the difference in the sample volumes before and after removal of moisture.

Results. The fiber diameter did not differ among all fibrin samples, but the pore diameter in fibrin-30 was smaller than those in fibrin-10 and fibrin-20. A possibility for migration of fibroblasts into the depth of the fibrin matrix and preservation of 97-100% viability of cells at a depth 5 mm was confirmed. The metabolic activity of EC on the surface of fibrin-20 and fibrin-30 exceeded that on collagen, fibronectin, and fibrin-10. All fibrin samples shrank in volume to 95.5-99.5%, and the highest shrinkage was seen in fibrin-10. The physical and mechanical properties of fibrin were inferior to those of human A. mammaria by a factor of 10.

Conclusion. Fibrin with fibrinogen concentrations of 20 and 30 mg/ml maintains a high metabolic and proliferative activity of EC on the surface and also a high viability of fibroblasts in the matrix. Its availability, ease of preparation, and a number of other favorable properties make fibrin a promising material for VTE. However, the problem of insufficient strength requires further investigations.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):21-34
pages 21-34 views


Belskikh I., Belogurova A.



材料和方法。研究了医学院的100名学生(平均年龄为22.01±1.84岁,15名男性和85名女性)。实验研究方法:1.确定神经系统特性的快速方法 - 电脑修改Tap-test E.P. Ilyina - 心理运动测验NS(Neurosoft,Ivanovo)。与工作强度有关的神经过程的强度,耐力和不稳定性的标准2。认知功能的评估是一种用于区分概念性质的技术(认知风格,具体/抽象概念化)。

结果:所有主题都在认知风格的四个极点上排名:1-概念化的抽象主观性(4.9%); 2-抽象现实概念化(10.1%); 3-概念化的特定主观性(9.5%); 4-概念化的特定现实主义(5.3%)。研究组中,运动速度图的下降型占优势(61%),这与神经系统的弱强度相对应;10%的受试者的神经系统类型很强,表现为图形的凸型;14%的受试者的神经系统类型为偶数型。这表明神经系统的平均强度。有15%的被调查者诊断出中间型和凹型,相当于平均弱神经系统。根据E.P.Ilyin的标准,在对具有不同概念化严重程度的受试者群体的神经系统特性的精神运动指标进行统计分析时,获得的数据表明:强烈的神经系统类型和主观的具体概念化之间存在联系突出的现实抽象风格和神经系统的薄弱类型。


I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):35-44
pages 35-44 views


Medvedeva J., Zorin R., Zhadnov V., Lapkin M.



材料和方法。我们检查了对照组中的36人(19名男性和17名女性,平均年龄33.7±1.4岁)(无癫痫发作史,脑电图上癫痫样活动的患者), 68例(32例男性和36例女性,34.1±1.5岁)患有局灶性癫痫(额叶癫痫36例,颞部癫痫32例)。对心率变异性和皮肤交感力的生理指标进行了评估。



I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):45-53
pages 45-53 views

Content of some vitamins in the diet and blood serum of professional football players

Radzhabkadiev R., Beketova N., Vrzhesinskaya O., Kosheleva O., Keshabyants E., Denisova N., Kobelkova I., Vybornaya K., Lavrinenko S., Zhilinskaya N.


Aim. This study evaluates the vitamin status of football players based on the data of actual nutrition and concentration of biomarkers in blood serum in the competition period of sports

Materials and Methods. The research involved 22 football players (men aged 24±5 years, body mass index – 22.9±0.2 kg/m2). Intake of С, В1, В2, РР, A vitamins and beta-carotene was evaluated using the 24-hour nutrition reproduction method. Concentrations of ascorbic acid, riboflavin, retinol, tocopherols, beta-carotene in blood serum were determined in fasting condition on the next day after a competition.

Results. A reduced intake of vitamin A and beta-carotene relative to the recommended level was found in 86.0% of examined individuals, and of vitamins В1, В2, РР, and C in 77.2, 68.1, 36.3 and 63.6%, respectively. A study of biomarkers of provision with vitamins showed a reduced
riboflavin concentration in blood serum relative to the norm (<5 ng/ml) and the optimal level
(<10 ng/ml) in 45.4% and 100% of the examined athletes, respectively. The beta-carotene level did not reach the optimal level (<21.5 µg/dl) in each second athlete, and there were no deficits of vitamin A and vitamins-antioxidants C and E. No statistically significant (Spearman) correlations were found between the individual intake parameters of В2, С, А vitamins, and beta-carotene and the respective biomarkers’ blood serum concentration. A positive relationship was found between the blood serum concentrations of ascorbic acid and beta-carotene (r=0.592, р=0.004).

Conclusion. The data obtained to justify the necessity to optimize the B vitamins and the beta-carotene status of football players in the period of competitions. The traditional approaches to the realization of this task, including enrichment of the diet with vitamin-mineral complexes, should rest on the results of the evaluation of the individual provision of an organism with
micronutrients and take into account the enhanced demand for group B vitamins in athletes
engaged in high-energy-consuming kinds of sports.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):54-65
pages 54-65 views


Majd P., Galkin P., Tayeh M., Herzmann T., Gores M., Kalmykov E., Ahmad W.





外科手术。在胸锁乳突肌的前缘做一个切口。颈总动脉(CCA)从周围组织中分离出来,并向分叉处延伸。之后,分离颈内动脉和颈外动脉。静脉注射肝素(5000U),收缩压升高并保持在160mm Hg以上。接着,进行交叉钳位耐受性试验60s。使用夹钳期间,对患者的神经系统进行仔细观察。若出现颈动脉交叉钳位不耐受(CCI),插入临时分流器并继续手术。动脉切开术从颈总动脉开始,持续到颈内动脉。完全清除斑块,用补片覆盖动脉切开处。在完成缝合之前,夹钳被部分移除,利用血流冲洗碎屑后可松开外动脉和总动脉。最后移除颈内动脉钳。

结果。8例接受交叉钳夹耐受试验的患者表现为不耐受。所有这些病例的手术均通过分流继续进行。进一步的手术过程并不复杂。院内死亡率为零,仅1例发生短暂性脑缺血发作。冠状动脉疾病(CAD)[优势比(OR)12.65,95% 置信区间(CI)1.43–112.50]、脑血管事件史[OR 10.50,95% CI 1.83–60.30]、对侧狭窄70%或以上[OR 26.66,95% CI 2.29–304.37]与CCI和分流的必要性有显著关联。其余因素与不耐症无明显关联。


I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):66-72
pages 66-72 views

Eversion carotid endarterectomy with transposition of the internal carotid artery according to A.N. Kazantsev. Hospital and long-term results.

Kazantsev A., Chernykh K., Zarkua N., Abdullaev A., Povtoreiko A., Bagdavadze G., Kalinin Е., Zaitseva T., Chikin A., Linets Y.


Aim. This study provides an analysis of the results of eversion carotid endarterectomy (CEE) with transposition of the internal carotid artery (ICA) over the hypoglossal nerve, according to A.N. Kazantsev.

Materials and Methods. The given prospective open study covering the period from
January 2017 to May 2020 involved 311 patients who underwent eversion CEE with transposition of ICA over the hypoglossal nerve, according to A.N. Kazantsev. Transposition was performed in the following way: after standard isolation of the carotid arteries, their compression, arteriosection, and removal of atherosclerotic plaque, ICA was extracted in the area above the hypoglossal nerve and was implanted to the same position. The condition of the patient was controlled on repeated visits to the clinic every six months. Hemodynamics in the reconstruction zone were studied using multispiral computed tomography with angiography of carotid bifurcation with 0.6 mm steps and processing the obtained results in Sim Vascular and Open Foam programs in DICON format. The follow-up period was 18.3±7.1 months. In case of development of restenosis, reCEE was performed with patch plasty of the reconstruction zone. For histologic examination, the restenosis area was stained by the van Gieson method.

Results. In the hospital follow-up period, one case of myocardial infarction was noted
that developed due to the stent’s thrombosis in the anterior descending artery deployed two years before. When studying the hemodynamic properties of carotid bifurcation in the postoperative period using computer modeling, in all cases, no changes or obstacles to blood flow were formed in the ICA in the area above the hypoglossal nerve. In the long-term follow-up period, two cases of lethal outcome were recorded connected with the onset of an oncological disease. In one case, due to recurrence of the pulmonary artery thromboembolism. In two cases, the cause of myocardial infarction was thrombosis/occlusion of venous anastomoses (in one patient to the circumflex
artery, in the other – to the right coronary artery). In four cases, repeated acute cerebrovascular accidents developed due to restenosis after CEE. In cases of significant restenosis (n=8), reCEE was performed with plasty of the reconstruction zone with a patch. The average restenosis period was 8.2±3.6 months. No cardiovascular complications and cases of hypoglossal nerve traumatization were identified. Intraoperatively, it was confirmed that restenosis was formed in the bifurcation zone, in front of the perimeter of the primary arteriosection. According to the results of histological examination, the main cause of all restenoses was hyperplasia of the neointima.

Conclusion. The eversion CEE with the transposition of the ICA, according to A.N. Kazantsev, creates conditions for additional maneuvers in case of restenosis and implementation of reCEE. The ICA’s placement over the hypoglossal nerve during primary CEE allows more confident isolation of carotid artery bifurcation from scar tissues with a zero risk of damage to the hypoglossal nerve. Such a course of the operation makes it possible to apply a clamp on the ICA and perform arteriotomy in any location without the threat of injury to the nerve structures.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):73-88
pages 73-88 views

Radiofrequency obliteration in treatment of venous angiodysplasia

Sapelkin S., Druzhinina N., Chupin A., Golovyuk A., Abrosimov A.


Aim. This study aimed to investigate potential use of radiofrequency obliteration (RFO) of angiomatous tissues in patients with venous malformations.

Materials and Methods. A single-center study retrospectively involved 42 clinical cases [57.1% of men (n=24), aged 18-44 years; 42.8% of women (n=18) aged 18-56 years] of venous angiodysplasia, with a total of 46 interventions using RFO. Clinical manifestations of the disease were primarily characterized by pain syndrome (71.4%), cosmetic defect (100%), and edema syndrome (95.2%).

Results. Clinical improvement was possibly achieved with the reduction of the intensity of manifestations of angiomatous processes in 37 patients (88.1%). Stable and partial obliterations of caverns in the zone of exposure to radiofrequency were recorded in 37 (88.0%) and 5 (12.0%) patients, respectively. In caverns with small diameter, obliteration was achieved in 100% of the cases. Postoperative complications included bleeding (2.4%), burns in the zone of electrode introduction (2.4%), lymphorrhea (2.4%), and hypesthesia (2.4%). With this, according to the results of duplex scanning performed on control visits, no significant disease progression was observed. In the same patient, several complications could occur. All complications regressed within a month and required no treatment in hospital conditions.

Conclusion. RFO showed advantage as a minimally invasive treatment method of venous angiodysplasias. Results suggest that RFO can be recommended for use in patients with >1 cm depth of lesion with caverns of medium and large diameter as an independent treatment method and in combination with standard resection methods.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):89-98
pages 89-98 views

Pregnancy and delivery in women with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia: clinical and morphological aspects

Saryeva O., Vahromeev A., Parejshvili V.


Aim. This study aimed to identify peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, delivery, and morphology of the placenta in women with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD).

Materials and Methods. The main group included 60 pregnant women with UCTD, and the control group was composed of 30 somatically healthy women with physiological course of pregnancy. All patients were examined as regards the use of general clinical and laboratory methods. Moreover, 65 placentas were subjected to complex morphological examinations, including organometry, macro- and microscopic examinations, and immunohistochemistry.

Results. Pregnancy and delivery in women with UCTD encounter various complications, such as threat of premature birth and miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, prenatal amenorrhea, and placental insufficiency manifested as fetal growth restriction syndrome and confirmed in the course of morphological examination. The structural basis of chronic placental insufficiency is associated various pathologies of the umbilical cord and disorders in maturation of the villous chorion with the underlying weak adaptive and compensatory processes. Connective tissue dysplasia in fetal membranes is manifested as disorders in histo- and cytoarchitectonics and in increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 by amniocytes and cytotrophoblast cells.

Conclusion. UCTD produces unfavorable effect on the course of pregnancy and delivery. The results of the clinical and morphological examinations demonstrate the multiorgan characteristics of injuries in the mother-placenta-fetus system, which necessitates further studies for the determination of complex prophylactic measures.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):99-108
pages 99-108 views

Management of young girls with labial adhesion in the clinical and diagnostic Center of N.V. Dmitrieva Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital

Tazina T., Duzhnikova N., Aleshkina O.


Aim. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of conservative treatment methods, namely, estriol-containing cream and non-hormonal drug, in girls with labial adhesion (LA) in the clinical and diagnostic center of N.V. Dmitrieva Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital.

Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis of pediatric clinical cases of labial adhesion (n=300) was carried out in N.V. Dmitrieva Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital in the period from 2016 to 2018. The study included 150 girls diagnosed with labial adhesion who were treated with estriol-containing cream (study group) and 150 girls with the same diagnosis (control group) who were treated with a non-hormonal gel containing onion extract 10 g, heparin 5000 IU, and allantoin. The age of the participants ranged from 4 months to 2 years and 2 months. Informed consent was obtained from the girls’ parents for the examination of the child, use of estriol-containing drug or a drug of non-hormonal composition, and processing of personal data. Recovery was considered the absence of recurrent synechiae for 2 years, improvement as not more than one recurrence not earlier than 6 months after the previous treatment, and no effect as two or more recurrences earlier than 6 months.

Results. In the main group, recovery, improvement, and no effect were achieved in 108 (72%), 39 (26%), and 3 (2%) girls, respectively. In the control group, recovery, improvement, and no effect was achieved in 30 (20%), 75 (50%), and 45 (30%) girls, respectively.

Conclusion. The results revealed the effectiveness and safety of using estriol-containing drugs in young girls diagnosed with labial adhesion.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):109-116
pages 109-116 views

Clinical reports


Mikheev M., Trushin S.


钝性胸部创伤导致的气管支气管损伤很少见。颈部气管钝性损伤是一种更为罕见的病理表现,对临床医生来说是一个严重的诊断问题。喉和气管损伤的死亡率为40-80%。气管的颈部虽然被颈部、脊柱、锁骨和下颌骨的肌肉所覆盖,但仍然很脆弱。刺伤中颈部气管的损伤常与邻近结构一起发生。钝性创伤中由于创伤剂的直接作用,会发生运动 可移动的气管到颈椎。它伴随着气管软骨,其膜部分和周围软组织的损伤,同时保持皮肤的完整性。





I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):117-124
pages 117-124 views

Death from amniotic fluid embolism in early postpartum period: a case report

Protsenko E., Kulida L.


This paper presents the case of a 40-year-old woman who died from amniotic fluid embolism on the third day after operative delivery (IV) at 38 weeks of gestation. Histological examination was conducted using staining with hematoxylin and eosin and Schiff reagent. The basis for the postmortem diagnosis was the presence of solid and liquid components of amniotic fluid in the uterine and pulmonary vessels with the absence of morphological substrate of other critical obstetric states.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):125-129
pages 125-129 views


Fernandes M., Martins J., Campos M., Magalhães C., Eremina Y.



I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):130-133
pages 130-133 views



Kotlyarov S., Kotlyarova A.




材料和方法。对小鼠、大鼠和家兔的脂质代谢和免疫应答的物种特异性特征进行了交叉连接分析,并对Toll样受体4(TLR4)与人类的差异进行了生物信息学分析。在国家生物技术信息中心(NCBI)和通用蛋白质资源(UniProt)的GenBank国际数据库中,对人、小鼠、大鼠和兔TLR4受体的氨基酸序列进行了搜索和分析。多受体氨基酸序列比对在Clustal Omega软件1.2.4版中执行。分子系统发育树的重建与可视化使用MEGA7程序根据最近邻居的方法(英语:Neighbor-Joining)和最大经济性的方法(英语:Maximum Parsimony)。



I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):134-146
pages 134-146 views


Smirnova E., Terekhina A., Filonenko S., Muranchik E.





I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):147-160
pages 147-160 views

Significance of physical activity on the clinical course of bronchial asthma: a literature review

Tribuntceva L., Budnevsky A., Shkatova Y., Ivanchuk Y., Tokmachev R.


This article contains a literature review of the results of experimental and clinical studies of the influence of physical exercise on the clinical course of bronchial asthma (BA) and presents the pathophysiological mechanisms of this influence. A high prevalence of sedentary lifestyle among patients with BA, its cause, and consequences are considered. Some studies have shown that patients with BA more rarely perform physical activity, and their physical exercises are less intensive and/or take shorter time. Effects of different variants of physical exercise on patients with BA are also discussed. Regular aerobic and mixed exercises of moderate intensity reliably lead to an improvement of the quality of life, reduction of exacerbations, use of inhalators «on demand», nocturnal symptoms, and sleep; to a reduction of the hyperresponsiveness of the bronchi, eosinophil count in the sputum, levels of interleukin-6, and monocyte chemotactic factor-1; and to an increase in the level of interleukin-10. SOCS-JAK-STAT plays a role in the mechanism underlying the influence of aerobic exercises on inflammation, remodeling, and hyperresponsiveness of the airways by decreasing the expression of Th2 cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules, growth factors, NF-kB, and P2X7 receptors by the epithelium of the airways and by an increase in interleukin-10 level.

Conclusion. Data available in the literature are obtained on small cohorts of foreign patients. Clinical data devoted to the influence of aerobic exercises on control of BA and parameters of the respiratory functions are contradictory. Further investigations are required in this field.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):161-170
pages 161-170 views

Letter in edition


Cherro M., Jatchavala C., Handuleh D., Ransing R., Shoib S., Őri D., Ojeahere M., Soler-Vidal J., Pereira-Sanchez V.


本封致编辑的信将继续《物质诱发精神病和精神分裂症:相互作用点》(Fedotov I.A., Quattrone D., Shustov D.I. Substance-induced psychosis and schizophrenia: the interaction point. I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2020;28(4):593-604. doi:10.23888/PAVLOVJ2020284593-604)一文的作者发起的讨论,探讨继发性精神病和精神分裂症之间的异同。

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(1):171-176
pages 171-176 views
