根据V.V. Volkov教授正常眼压性青光眼发病机制概念的新诊断方案




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材料和方法: 第一组纳入13名正常眼压的青光眼患者(22只眼睛),年龄在39至88岁(平均年龄为59.8±10.9岁);第二组(对照组)纳入10名健康受试者(20只眼睛),年龄在40至59岁(平均年龄为47.9±5.5岁)。所有受试者都使用RTVue-100光学相干断层扫描仪(Optovue,美国)、Humphrey视野分析仪(HFA II 745i,德国-美国)和一种专门改进的空间频率倍增视野分析仪对视神经盘进行结构和功能评估。通过使用RS-3000 Advance光学相干断层仪(Nidek,日本)测量了巩膜筛板的厚度和 深度。用GE Optima MR450w磁共振成像设备(美国)进行的视神经横断面图像被用来测量ONSS。

结果: 第1组和第2组的平均巩膜筛板厚度(分别为234.14±27.73和336.25±21.0μm;p=0.0000)、 深度(分别为461.8±101.7和361.65±58.2μm;p=0.0004)和ONSS的宽度(分别为1.371±0.035和1.52±0.133 mm;p=0.011)之间的差异具有统计学意义。



Irina L. Simakova

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: irina.l.simakova@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8389-0421
SPIN 代码: 3422-5512
Scopus 作者 ID: 7003824052
Researcher ID: M-3460-2016

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.)

俄罗斯联邦, 21 Botkinskaya st., Saint Petersburg, 194044

Alfina R. Suleimanova

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: alfinkamuse1@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1893-8075


俄罗斯联邦, 21 Botkinskaya st., Saint Petersburg, 194044

Natalya P. Baimuratova

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: skynait@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5383-6440


俄罗斯联邦, 21 Botkinskaya st., Saint Petersburg, 194044


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2. 图.1.用Nidek RS-3000 Advance光学相干断层仪在扩展深度成像(EDI)模式下测量筛板深度(a-b) Fig. 1. Lamina cribrosa depth measurement (a–b) by EDI (Enhanced Depth Imaging) mode of Nidek RS-3000 Advance

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3. 图.2.用Nidek RS-3000 Advance光学相干断层仪在扩展深度成像(EDI)模式下测量筛板厚度(c-d) Fig. 2. Lamina cribrosa thickness measurement (c–d) by EDI (Enhanced Depth Imaging) mode of Nidek RS-3000 Advance

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4. 图.3.视神经横切面的图像(右)。在眼球后3毫米处用磁共振成像扫描仪完成。A-B-带鞘膜的视神经直径;C-D-不带鞘膜的视神经直径 Fig. 3. Cross-sectional image of the optic nerve (right) taken 3 mm behind the eye using MRI. A–B – is the diameter of the optic nerve with its sheaths; C–D – is the diameter of the optic nerve without its sheaths

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5. 图.4.西门子Magnetom Symphony和GE Optima MR450w磁共振成像仪的视神经横断面图像的比较 Fig. 4. Comparison of cross-sectional slices of the optic nerve obtained with MRI Siemens Magnetom Symphony and MRI GE Optima MR450w

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6. 图.5.研究工作(a)和试点研究(b)中两组的增强深度成像模式的光谱域光学相干断层扫描(EDI)平均筛板厚 度(含95%置信区间) Fig. 5. Average LCT values by the spectral OCT data in the enhanced depth imaging (EDI) mode in research work (a) and pilot study (b) in two groups (with 95% confidence intervals)

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7. 图.6.两组研究工作(a)和试点研究(b)在增强深度成像(EDI)模式下3D-OCT的平均筛板深度值(含95%置信区间) Fig. 6. Average LCD values by the 3D OCT data in the enhanced depth imaging (EDI) mode in research work (а) and pilot study (b) in two groups (with 95% confidence intervals)

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8. 图.7.在研究工作(a)和试点研究(b)中,两组患者通过磁共振成像测量视神经蛛网膜下腔宽度的平均值(含95%置信区间) Fig. 7. Average ONSASW values by the MRI data in research work (a) and pilot study (b) in two groups (with 95% confidence intervals)

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版权所有 © Simakova I., Suleimanova A., Baimuratova N., 2021

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