Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy in inflammatory diseases of the ocular surface

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Relevance. In the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ocular surface, in order to achieve high efficiency in the shortest possible time, it is necessary for the therapy to be comprehensive. Today, in addition to traditional treatment methods, new technologies based on the use of low-energy lasers, which have high biological activity, are spreading.

Aim. To improve the treatment results of the inflammatory diseases of the ocular surface by implementing photodynamic therapy (PDT) in experiment and clinic, using domestic equipment and elaborating optimal energetic parameters of laser irradiation.

Methods. Objects of research: 130 nonlinear sexually mature rats weighing 150 grams contained in standard vivarium conditions and 110 eyes of patients with inflammatory eye diseases. Carrying out the investigation, experiments on animals, clinical and functional examination results of patients, and statistical analysis were taken into consideration.

Results. A methodology for complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ocular surface was developed (with inclusion of PDT by the laser therapy device “Vostok”), based on experimental data and confirmed by clinical and functional ocular indices. PDT helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment, which is manifested by accelerated tissue regeneration, restoration of corneal transparency, increase of visual function in 86.7%, and reduction of treatment terms to 6 days.

Conclusions. Anti-inflammatory and regenerative effectiveness of the proposed complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ocular surface with the PDT use was established: improvement in the clinical picture of conjunctivitis and keratitis was revealed, manifested by increase in corneal epithelization.

About the authors

Kumri I. Narzikulova

Tashkent Medical Academy

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6395-0730

MD, Associate Prof. of the Ophthalmology Department

Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Fazilat A. Bakhritdinova

Tashkent Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6252-3622

MD, Prof. of the Ophthalmology Department

Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Saida Sh. Mirrakhimova

Samarkand State Medical Institute


MD, Associate Prof. of the Ophthalmology Department

Uzbekistan, Samarkand

Behruz A. Oralov

Tashkent Medical Academy

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8548-5753

Assistant of the Ophthalmology Department

Uzbekistan, Tashkent


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Results of the first series of the experiment. The effect of radiation on the cornea: а – normal architectonics of an intact rat’s cornea; b – violation of the relief of the surface of the cornea, hyperchromia and polymorphism of the nuclei of epithelial cells, group 1, 14th day; c – moderate change in the relief of the surface of the cornea, hyperchromia of the nuclei of epithelial cells, group 2, 14th day; d – normalization of the architectonics of the cornea, group 2, 21st day. Staining: hematoxylin and eosin, magnification ×10

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3. Fig. 2. The results of the first series of the experiment. The effect of radiation on retina: a (group 1), b (group 2), c (group 3), d (group 4) – the absence of the reaction of rat’s retina to radiation in all studied groups. Staining: hematoxylin and eosin, magnification ×10

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4. Fig. 3. The results of the second series of the experiment: a – severe edema and corneal infiltration in the burn zone, group 2, 3rd day; b – massive neutrophilic sub-corneal infiltration and corneal edema, group 3, 7th day; c – there is no sub-corneal leukocyte infiltration, group 5, 7th day. Staining: hematoxylin and eosin, magnification ×10

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5. Fig. 4. The results of the second series of the experiment: a – total leukocyte infiltration of the retina, group 4, 7th day; b – retinal edema, leukocyte infiltration is absent, group 5, 7th day. Stained with hematoxylin and eosin, magnification ×10

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Copyright (c) 2021 Narzikulova K.I., Bakhritdinova F.A., Mirrakhimova S.S., Oralov B.A.

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