Long-term results of corneal collagen crosslinking with ectatic forms of corneal dystrophy

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Corneal collagen crosslinking is one of the most effective methods of prophylactics and treatment of progressive corneal ectasias. In the literature, there are occasional data related to remote results concerning only the most common form of ectasias – keratoconus. In published studies, no remote results are met concerning the efficacy of corneal collagen crosslinking in other forms of corneal ectasias, which are now on the rise, including secondary ectasias that became more frequent with refractive surgery. The number of diagnosed cases of pellucid marginal degeneration increased as well. The literature shows no data on comparative analysis of remote results concerning the efficacy of this method in treatment of various forms of corneal ectasias.

The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the efficacy of corneal collagen crosslinking based on the analysis of long-term results of this treatment method for various forms of corneal ectasias.

Materials and methods. The results of corneal collagen crosslinking in patients with various forms of corneal ectasia 6 years after surgery were analyzed. The nosological structure of the study included patients with keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, and secondary ectasia. The group of patients with keratoconus included 30 patients (30 eyes), that with pellucid marginal degeneration – 30 patients (30 eyes), and that with secondary ectasia – 30 patients (30 eyes). Corneal collagen crosslinking was performed by the same specialist, during the first or the second year of follow-up. Then changes in the state of the cornea and visual functions were monitored for 6 years. To assess the efficacy, preoperative examination results and interim data were used.

Results. In all groups, there was an increase in the best corrected visual acuity, a decrease in the index of asymmetry of the corneal surface and its refractive power in the center of ectasia. However, best corneal collagen crosslinking results were obtained in groups of patients with keratoconus and secondary corneal ectasia.

About the authors

Oleg A. Frolov

Diagnostic Center No. 7 (Eye) for Adults and Children; Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: oleg524@mail.ru

Post-Graduate Student, Department of Ophthalmology with the Clinic; Head of the Department of Complex Optical Correction

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Sergey Yu. Astakhov

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

Email: astakhov73@mail.ru

MD, PhD, DMedSc, Professor, Head of Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Sergey A. Novikov

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

Email: serg2705@yandex.ru

MD, PhD, DMedSc, Professor, Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The dynamics of the most corrected visual acuity

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3. Fig. 2. The dynamics of the refractive power of the cornea in the center of ectasia

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4. Fig. 3. The dynamics of the topographic index of the asymmetry of the cornea

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Copyright (c) 2020 Frolov O.A., Astakhov S.Y., Novikov S.A.

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