Monitoring the antimicrobial activity of antiseptic eye drops

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Introduction. Antiseptic drugs currently occupy an important place in the treatment and prevention of ocular infectious and inflammatory diseases. Often microorganisms are characterized not only by resistance to a single antibiotic, but also by the presence of multiple resistances, which limits the choice of an effective drug. This problem requires a detailed study and monitoring of the sensitivity of the main pathogens of ocular infections, not only to antibiotics but also to antiseptics.

The aim was to study the species composition of conjunctival microflora in patients with ocular surface infection and to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of antiseptic eye drops.

Materials and methods. Investigation was carried out in 2012–2018 in 4237 bacterial conjunctivitis patients. The sensitivity to antiseptic preparations of pathogens isolated from patients with conjunctivitis was detected.

Results. 1068 strains of microorganisms isolated from the conjunctival cavity of patients were tested. Gram-positive cocci dominated among clinically significant pathogens – 47.4%. Antimicrobial activity of Vitabact® eye drops against gram-positive cocci was higher than that of antiseptic Okomistin®.

Summary. Antimicrobial activity of the studied antiseptics against gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens was different. It is necessary to conduct further research on the antimicrobial activity of antiseptic eye drops.

About the authors

Igor N. Okolov

S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Saint Petersburg Branch

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Head of the Clinical Bacteriological Laboratory

Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Examples of growth inhibition zones of S. epidermidis strains around discs with antiseptics Vitabact® (b) and Okomistin® (ok), and Ophtolique® (оф) artificial tears

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3. Fig. 2. Main pathogens isolated from patients with conjunctivitis in 2006-2018 (%), according to the results obtained at S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, St. Petersburg Branch

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4. Fig. 3. Antiseptic Vitabact®: distribution of diameters (mm) of growth inhibition zones of gram-positive cocci (n = 895) and gram-negative microorganisms (n = 63) isolated from patients with conjunctivitis using antiseptic Vitabact® in 2012–2016 (%), according to the results obtained at S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, St. Petersburg Branch

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5. Fig. 4. The distribution of diameters (mm) of growth inhibition zones of gram-positive cocci (n = 98) isolated from patients with conjunctivitis by antiseptics Vitabact® and Okomistin® in 2017–2018 (%), according to the results obtained at S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, St. Petersburg Branch

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