Modern aspects of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy diagnosis and treatment

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Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) is one of the choroidal neovascularization forms, being a subtype of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). These two conditions share many characteristics, while PCV has some distinctive features with aneurysmal dilatations (polyps) at the end of abnormal branching vascular network being the most specific of them. Low documented incidence of PCV in European population (up to 13%) may be related to the absence of indocyanin-green angiography (ICG) – the only reliable method for PCV diagnosis confirmation – in routine clinical practice. In that regard, there should be a universal method of treatment suitable for any patient with nAMD irrespectively of whether he or she has PCV. To date, there is no common approach to PCV treatment – anti-VEGF therapy, photodynamic therapy (PDT), and combination of these methods are used in clinical practice. Key diagnostic criteria helping to suspect the presence of PCV without ICG as well as results of clinical trials aimed at assessing effectiveness of different anti-VEGF agents as monotherapy or in combination with PDT are described in this article.

About the authors

Konstantin V. Sokolov

Eye Microsurgery Center Primorskiy

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Head of Surgical Department

Russian Federation, Vladivostok

Alexey K. Smirnov

Eye Microsurgery Center Primorskiy



Russian Federation, Vladivostok


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