Possibilities of using cryotherapy in patients with ocular rosacea

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Objective: to evaluate the clinical efficiency of eyelid cryotherapy with an autonomous titanium nicke lide cryoapplicator in patients with ocular rosacea regarding the dynamics of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines contents at local levels.

Materials and methods. 65 patients with ocular rosacea were observed. Depending on the therapy received, the patients were divided into two groups: in the main group, eyelid cryotherapy was applied for 2 weeks with an autonomous cryoapplicator made of porous-permeable titanium nickelide, and in the reference group, the patients received a traditional treatment for a month. The contents of cytokines (IL-1β, IL-8, IFN-α, IL-2, IL-10) in lachrymal fluid was evaluated by ELISA on Days 3, 7 and 30 after treatment.

Results. The opposite nature of cytokine balance changes and the ratio of its pro- and anti-inflammatory link during the follow-up period were revealed. A reliable dynamic increase of examined IFN-α and IL2 content in the lacrimal fluid after cryostimulation can evidence for an adequate activation of cellular immunity link, as well as for enhancement of regeneration mechanisms.

Conclusion. The analysis of obtained data evidences for a high efficiency of clinical and immunological effect of lid cryotherapy using titanium nickelide cryoprobe for ocular rosacea treatment.

About the authors

Marina M. Tlish

Kuban State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: tlishmm@mail.ru

Doctor of Medical Science, Professor of Dermatovenerology Department

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Natalya V. Kolesnikova

Kuban State Medical University

Email: troickaya@rambler.ru

Doctor of Biology Science, Professor, Department of Immunology, Allergology and Laboratory Diagnostics, Advanced Training Faculty

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Viktor E. Gyunter

Research Institute of Shape Memory Material under Siberian Physico-Technical Institute and Tomsk State University

Email: 89138641814@mail.ru

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Director

Russian Federation, Tomsk

Aleksey N. Steblyuk

S.N. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex, Krasnodar Branch

Email: steblyuk@bk.ru

Candidate of Medical Science, Ophthalmologist, MD of Highest Qualification

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Ekaterina S. Marchenko

Research Institute of Shape Memory Material under Siberian Physico-Technical Institute and Tomsk State University

Email: marchenko84@vtomske.ru

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Russian Federation, Tomsk

Marina E. Shavilova

Kuban State Medical University

Email: marina@netzkom.ru

Dermatovenerologist, Assistant, Dermatovenerology Department

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Anna A. Tserkovnaya

Clinical Oncological Dispensary No. 1, Ministry of Public Health of Krasnodar Region

Email: 5247024@gmail.com


Russian Federation, Krasnodar, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Facial skin condition of Patient G., aged 58, with rosacea (a), and after 7 days of  cryotherapy treatment No. 10 (b)

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3. Fig. 2. Condition of cornea in Patient C., aged 24, with rosacea-keratitis before cryotherapy (a), and after the course of eyelid cryostimulation No. 10 (b)

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4. Fig. 3. Dynamics of IFN-α and IL-2 content in lacrimal fluid of patients with blepharitis 3 days (“Cryo-3”) and 30 days (“Cryo-30”) after cryotherapy and compared to conventional therapy (“CT-3”, “CT-30”)

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5. Fig. 4. Dynamics of IL-1, IL-10, and IL-8 contents in lacrimal fluid of patients with blepharitis 3 days (“Cryo-3”) and 30 days (“Cryo-30”) after cryotherapy and compared to conventional therapy (“CT-3, “CT-30”)

Download (74KB)

Copyright (c) 2018 Tlish M.M., Kolesnikova N.V., Gyunter V.E., Steblyuk A.N., Marchenko E.S., Shavilova M.E., Tserkovnaya A.A.

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