Phthisioophthalmological sanatarium “Krasny Val” under conditions of Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

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During the Coronavirus infection pandemic (2019–2021), the admission of patients from antituberculosis dispensaries decreased (2261 vs 2747 in 2016–2018). At the same time, the number of patients with tuberculous haematogenous uveitides decreased significantly (55% vs 76%; р < 0.0001), and that with non-tuberculous ophthalmic diseases by contrast significantly increased (23% vs 43%; р < 0.0001). Among tuberculous uveitides, high amount of chorioretinitis (46%) and of panuveitis (11%) was found. Their severity was escalated by complications (in 77–86% of patients) and frequent concomitant systemic conditions. In 277 patients, the post-covid syndrome was revealed (after prior Coronavirus COVID-19 infection). During the pandemic, the admission to the sanatorium of patients with active (dispensary follow-up care group I) and chronic (dispensary follow-up care group II) forms of ocular tuberculosis significantly decreased: 9% vs 15%, and 18% vs 27%, respectively; that with clinical recovery (dispensary follow-up care group III) – increased (73% vs 58%). Active tuberculosis forms of other localization were excluded.

A reduction in the quality of ocular tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment in dispensaries is related to decrease in number of qualified phtisioophthalmologists, periodical breakdowns in supply of tuberculin and of some medications.

In the “Krasny Val” sanatorium, patients received additional examination, full-fledged chemotherapy, and necessary rehabilitation.

About the authors

Elena I. Ustinova

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University


Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Mikhail N. Simchuk

Phtisioophthalmological sanatorium “Krasniy Val”


MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Ophthalmologist, Head of the sanatorium

Russian Federation, Leningrad Region, Skreblovskoe rural settlement

Sergey Yu. Astakhov

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0777-4861
SPIN-code: 7732-1150

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Tatiana I. Kuznetsova

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University


MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Ophthalmologist

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vladimir M. Bataev

Phtisioophthalmological sanatorium “Krasniy Val”

Author for correspondence.

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department

Russian Federation, Leningrad Region, Skreblovskoe rural settlement

Sergei L. Lyapin

Phtisioophthalmological sanatorium “Krasniy Val”



Russian Federation, Leningrad Region, Skreblovskoe rural settlement

Tatiana I. Bezrukavaja

Phtisioophthalmological sanatorium “Krasniy Val”

Russian Federation, Leningrad Region, Skreblovskoe rural settlement


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The admission of patients with tuberculous hematogenous uveitis to the sanatorium during the pandemic years and during previous years

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3. Fig. 2. Dynamics of admission to the sanatorium of patients with tuberculous hematogenous uveitis from 2016 to 2021

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Copyright (c) 2022 Ustinova E.I., Simchuk M.N., Astakhov S.Y., Kuznetsova T.I., Bataev V.M., Lyapin S.L., Bezrukavaja T.I.

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