Modern possibilities of homeostatic reserves indication in bronchitis in children

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Aim. To study the homeostatic reserves indicators in children with bronchitis by assessment of colonization resistance indicators and oxidative stress processes in the oral cavity.

Methods. Clinical and instrumental examination of 115 children aged 5 to 14 years admitted to hospital with different variants of bronchitis was performed. The patients (main group) were divided into two subgroups according to the diagnosis: the first subgroup included 70 children with recurrent bronchitis, the second subgroup consisted of 45 children with acute bronchitis. The control group included 33 apparently healthy children of the same age. The examination complex included, in addition to conventional clinical and laboratory methods, special methods of examination - the oral cavity colonization resistance indicators identification (buccal epithelial cells colonization index and saliva anti-adhesive activity). In addition, oxidative stress indicators on oral neutrophils model - spontaneous and induced luminol-dependent chemiluminescence, were measured.

Results. It was found that colonization index and saliva anti-adhesive activity was significantly lower in children of the main group than in control group. The lowest rates were characterstic for the first subgroup of patients. In children with acute bronchitis higher values of the induced and the spontaneous luminol-dependent chemiluminescence were registered as compared to control, whereas in recurrent bronchitis, by contrast, they were lower than in control (p

Conclusion. Patients with recurrent bronchitis extremely «vulnerable» in relation to recurrent bacterial infections (diseases) in connection with the mucosal protection system severe defects; they need to undergo aimed preventive and rehabilitation measures, the effectiveness control of which can be performed using the proposed non-invasive methods.

About the authors

O I Pikuza

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

H M Vahitov

Kazan State Medical University


E V Generalova

Kazan State Medical University



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© 2016 Pikuza O.I., Vahitov H.M., Generalova E.V.

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