
Eco in infertility. Inspection of pregnancy and delivery
Savelieva G.M., Kurtser М.A., Krasnopolskaya K.V., Eroyan L.K.
Uterine fibroids and effiency of in vitro fertilization programs
Dzhemlikhanova L.K., Niauri D.A., Abdulkadyrova Z.K.
The evolution of methods of planning the family
Pilkevich R.P., Gaivoronskih D.l.
Effiency of in vitro fertilization of patiens with uterine myoma
Bezhenar V.F., Kogan I.Y., Dolinskiy A.K., Chmaro M.G.
Mother mortality in St. Petersburg and path of its preventive maintenence
Repina M.A.
Impact of surgical treatment of endometriomas on ovarian reserve and reproductive outcomes
Molotkov A.S., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Tsypurdeeva A.A.
Adenomyosis and fertility: a modern view of the problem. A literature review
Bezhenar V.F., Linde V.A., Arakelyan B.V., Kalugina A.S., Vasilyev Y.V., Sobakina D.A., Sadykhova E.E., Tarasenkova V.A.
Pregnancy and childbirth in patients with endometriosis
Bezhenar V.F., Rogatinskaya E.V., Dyachenko D.T., Fedosova D.V.
Uterine fibroids and fertility: a modern view of the problem. A literature review
Bezhenar V., Linde V.A., Arakelyan B.V., Sadykhova E.E., Reznik M.V., Tarasenkova V.A.
Sperm morphology as a reliable method of male fertility evaluation
Leontjeva O.A., Vorobjeva O.A.
Current issues of effectiveness and safety of uterine artery embolization in patients with uterine leiomyoma
Korobova P.G., Sulima A.N., Mkrtchyan A.A., Rumyantseva Z.S., Korobov S.A.
Glutathione detoxication processes in females suffering from sterility
Inoyatova V.H.
The effect of excess body weight and obesity on the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies programs
Mahmadaliyeva M.R., Kogan I.Y., Niauri D.A., Mekina I.D., Gzgzyan A.M.
Treatment endometrium cancer with preserving fertility - analysis of literature data and own studies
Bakhidze E.V., Chepik O.V., Volkova A.T., Maksimov S.I.
Demographic indicators of fertility and medico-social influenses on them
Irina S.L., Ivanova O.J., Khardikov A.V., Ivanova T.S., Abrosimova N.V.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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