Vol 15, No 1 (2024)

Original Study Articles

Predictors of anastomotic leak after anterior rectal resections for localized malignant neoplasms

Ivanov Y.V., Smirnov A.V., Davidovich D.L., Keshvedinova A.A., Razbirin D.V., Stankevich V.R., Danilina E.S.


BACKGROUND: Anastomotic leak is the most serious complication in rectal surgery. Predicting and preventing anastomotic leak remains an urgent task.

AIM: The purpose of the study is to analyze the 17-year-long experience of the Federal Research Clinical Center of Specialized Medical Care and Medical Technologies of FMBA of Russia in performing an anterior resection of the rectum in patients with cancer of the rectum and rectosigmoid junction and to establish the risk factors for the development of an anastomotic leak.

METHODS: The results of the treatment of 492 patients who underwent an anterior resection of the rectum in 2006–2022 have been studied. 21 patients developed an anastomotic leak. A retrospective comparison of the characteristics of two groups of patients was carried out: those with a smooth course of the postoperative period and those with the development of an anastomotic leak.

RESULTS: The reliable risk factors for the development of an anastomotic leak were identified and, based on the statistical analysis, a prognostic scoring model was proposed: smoking — 1 point, type 2 diabetes mellitus — 1 point, preoperative chemotherapy — 1 point, blood loss over 50 ml — 2 points, preoperative radiation therapy — 3 points, and the location of the colorectal anastomosis at a distance of up to 5 cm from the anus — 4 points. The sensitivity of the model was 85.6%, with the specificity above 97.4% when using a training set with 8 points or more.

CONCLUSION: The following tactics are proposed: in the case of 4 points and above by the developed scale, one should form a preventive intestinal stoma; in the case of 1–3 points, one should install a transanal drainage. The complete abandonment of these two preventive measures is possible only if the patient does not have any of the listed risk factors for the development of an anastomotic leak.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):7-16
pages 7-16 views

Information value of echocardiography in inferior myocardial infarction at different stages of observation

Akramova E.G., Vlasova E.V., Saveliev A.A., Zakirova E.B.


BACKGROUND: A wide range of indicators and examination methods in acute myocardial infarction complicates their interpretation, affecting the objectivity and reliability of the final conclusions. In this situation, the results of a multivariate mathematical analysis can serve as a guide, allowing one to determine statistically significant indicators and establish a range of critical values for a particular case.

AIM: to establish prognostically significant ranges of global and segmental deformation of the left ventricle using speckle tracking echocardiography in patients with acute inferior wall myocardial infarction of the left ventricle, who have undergone primary percutaneous coronary intervention, at the time of discharge from the hospital and in the long-term period.

METHODS: Using speckle-tracking technology, the echocardiographic data were analyzed at the time of discharge and on the second year for 144 patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction of the left ventricle who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention. In the post-infarction period, 10 patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging and 15 patients underwent stress echocardiography.

RESULTS: Using the tree construction method, the critical values of 7 ultrasound parameters were identified (for the left ventricle — ejection fraction, end-systolic volume index, global longitudinal and circular strains, for the right ventricle — tricuspid S’, global longitudinal strain, free wall strain), which predict a repeat revascularization with a probability of 89.4%. The identification of the possible areas of myocardial fibrosis in the remote period by speckle-tracking echocardiography has a sensitivity of 46–57%, specificity of 68–76%, and a negative predictive value of 74–87% relative to the gold standard detection of post infarction scarring by magnetic resonance imaging. According to the results of stress-echocardiography, new zones of local contractility impairment registered after exercises were not accompanied by changes in the segmental longitudinal deformation.

CONCLUSION: The results of echocardiographic screening using speckle-tracking technology in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction of the left ventricle have high prognostic significance in assessing the likelihood of repeated revascularization at the time of discharge and diagnostic information value for verifying post-infarction fibrous changes in the long-term period.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):17-25
pages 17-25 views

Peculiarities of the diagnostics and therapeutic tactics for early postoperative period bleeding after bariatric surgeries

Stankevich V.R., Smirnov A.V., Zlobin A.I., Abdulkerimov Z.A., Panchenkov D.N., Ivanov Y.V.


BACKGROUND: In patients with excessive body weight the diagnosis of complications, in particular, bleeding, at an early follow-up is extremely difficult due to the non-specificity of symptoms and clinical picture. This leads to the late detection and severe expensive multi-stage treatment in patients with initially expressed comorbid pathology.

AIM: to investigate a possibility of improving the diagnosis and therapeutic tactics in morbidly obese patients in case of internal bleeding in the early postoperative period.

METHODS: We have retrospectively analyzed the results of the diagnostics and treatment of 14 patients who had internal bleeding in the early postoperative period after bariatric surgeries. The following parameters were examined: age and sex of the patients, average body mass index, comorbidities, volume of the performed bariatric surgery, type of internal bleeding (intraluminal/intra-abdominal), technical peculiarities of each operation, average postoperative stay, efficiency of instrumental diagnostic methods, types and methods of hemostasis.

RESULTS: Clinical manifestations of bleeding in all the patients operated on for morbid obesity were detected on postoperative days 1–2. The main symptoms included: weakness and dizziness — in 12 cases (86%), blood pressure decrease to 90/60 mmHg — in 4 cases (29%), tachycardia (heart rate of 100 bpm and more) — in 100% of cases. The development of melena and vomiting with blood admixture was noted in 6 cases (43%), blood flow by drainage — in 8 patients (57%). In 4 patients (29%) the bleeding onset was preceded by a blood pressure increase up to (180–200)/(100–110) mmHg. In all 14 patients the hemoglobin level was decreased: in 6 patients (43%) it was not lower than 100 g/L (but decreased by more than 20% from the initial hemoglobin level), and in 8 patients (57%) it dropped below 100 g/L. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy was used to diagnose the bleeding inside the lumen of the stomach, intestine, anastomosis, and computerized tomography of the abdominal cavity with an intravenous and oral contrast was used for diagnosing the intra-abdominal bleeding. In 6 patients with intra-abdominal bleeding, a revision laparoscopy was performed as an emergency procedure. When the source of bleeding from the stapler line was revealed, the bleeding zone was additionally sutured with a Vicryl 3/0 thread using separate knotted sutures. In case of bleeding from the trocar wound, the hemostasis was performed with a Bersi needle using a 1/0 capron thread. No lethal outcomes were observed. All the patients were discharged in a satisfactory condition. The average hospital stay was increased by 2–3 days due to the complication.

CONCLUSION: The effective methods for the diagnostics and treatment of the intraluminal bleeding are endoscopic techniques with the possibility of reliable hemostasis. In case of the intra-abdominal bleeding, relaparoscopy with stitching or clipping of the bleeding source is indicated.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):26-33
pages 26-33 views

Are there objective biomechanical symptoms of the knee instability after anterior cruciate ligament injury or it’s reconstruction

Skvortsov D.V., Altukhova A.V., Kaurkin S.N., Akhpashev A.A.


BACKGROUND: The instability of the knee joint after a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament and even after its reconstruction remains a pressing problem. The use of a special functional test with fast walking can be considered as a potential tool for verifying this instability.

AIM: to observe the presence of biomechanical differences in the joint function with and without instability, both before and after the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

METHODS: A biomechanical study of the function of walking at fast speeds, including an electromyographic study, was used. 40 patients were examined, of which 22 underwent reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. The patients were divided into two groups — 33 patients with symptoms of instability, and 7 patients without them; the control group included 20 healthy persons.

RESULTS: The time characteristics of the step cycle did not reveal significant differences between the patient groups and the control group. For the amplitudes of movements in the joints, there were also no significant differences between the patient groups and between the affected and intact sides. The only finding was a significant increase in both amplitudes in the knee joint compared to the control for the intact side in the group with instability. The electromyographic study also did not reveal significant differences.

CONCLUSION: The use of a functional test with fast walking does not allow differentiating the state of instability. Thus, the instability of the knee joint during normal walking, even at a high speed, does not manifest itself in any way. To detect it, it is necessary to develop special provocative tests.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):34-42
pages 34-42 views

The effects of reactive and proactive motor decision-making strategies on the hand kinematics features in post-stroke patients

Tumyalis A.V., Ivanov T.B., Ivanova G.E., Ivanova E.A., Kirichenko A.A., Ossadtchi A.E.


BACKGROUND: Motor disorders of the upper limbs often develop after stroke. The use of traditional methods to restore the motor functions of the upper limbs has limited effectiveness thus making the search and development of new rehabilitation approaches important. We propose to use a proactive selection of a purposeful movement as such an approach.

AIM: to investigate the influence of different strategies of the upper limb movement regulation on the motor decision making and hand kinematics parameters in stroke patients.

METHODS: Ten patients with stroke participated in the study during their hospital stay. They were divided into 2 groups and performed the task of selecting a movement target and performing arm movements for 10 sessions of 10 minutes each. The sessions were performed on separate days. When performing the task, patients selected one of the targets, either the near target or the distant one. The groups differed in the type of presentation of the distant target; the near target was stationary. The stimuli were presented on a touch screen arranged horizontally. A patient sat in front of the screen and placed the hand with a foam ball fixed in it on the starting area. The patient’s forearm was supported by means of a pendant. The patient selected a target to reach in each attempt and then performed the movement by swiping the ball on the touch screen. The frequency of the target selection to perform the movement, the range of the selected target, the latencies of the movement onset, the hand speed and acceleration, and the accuracy in reaching the target were assessed.

RESULTS: The results indicate that amidst the overall effects represented by a reduced movement on-set time [F (9.72)=8.59; p <0.001], a greater movement speed in reaching the distant target [F (9.72)=2.79; p=0.007], a lower selection rate [F (9.72)=2.78; p=0.008] and a reduced mean distance of the selected distant target [F (9.72)=2.19; p=0.033], the differences in the distant target presentation between the groups have an impact on the hand movement dynamics in patients. Presenting a target at a random distance results in a greater selected target distance [F (1.8)=17.04; p=0.003], and an increased hand speed [F (9.72)=3.03; p=0.004] compared to the adaptive presentation. There is also a greater decrease in the movement onset time [F (9.72)=2.71; p=0.009] in the group of patients with the adaptive presentation of the distant target compared to the group with the random presentation.

CONCLUSION: The differences in the target presentation strategy are reflected in the motor decision making and hand movement dynamics of stroke patients. A randomized range of target presentation results in a higher amplitude arm movement closer to the activation threshold of the stretch reflex. The results of the study may be useful for selecting the rehabilitation strategies for stroke patients.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):43-53
pages 43-53 views

Computed tomography signs of the possible aspergillosis in the dynamic observation of patients with COVID-19

Nay M., Yudin A.L., Yumatova E.A., Vinokurov A.S.


BACKGROUND: Aspergillosis of the lungs, which occurs against the background of COVID-19, develops as a life-threatening complication, especially in patients with a severe disease and those treated in intensive care units. Mortality rates vary significantly in the published materials, with inexplicably high levels in some of them. All the studies are united in the conclusion that, in the absence of a timely diagnosis and treatment, mortality can reach 100%. Obtaining a biological material for the laboratory diagnostics is often difficult. In such cases, computed tomography of the lungs serves as an informative instrumental study to exclude or confirm the presence of the mycotic lung damage, including aspergillosis, against the background of COVID-19. Thus, the systematization, generalization and analysis of CT changes in the lungs of COVID-associated pulmonary aspergillosis are required.

AIM: Determination of CT signs of a possible addition of pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with COVID-19 during a dynamic follow-up.

METHODS: The analysis of the case histories of 646 patients, in whom the results of CT monitoring of the lung condition for at least 2 months were obtained, was carried out. The total number of CT examinations is 5279, the average number of studies per patient is 8. The main group consisted of 144 patients. The leading inclusion criterion was the presence of radiological signs atypical for COVID-19, suspicious for fungal complications. The control group included 502 patients with the lung changes characteristic of COVID-19. All CT scans of the chest organs were performed without intravenous administration of a contrast agent in accordance with the standard scanning protocols.

RESULTS: The analysis of the obtained images revealed the primary signs suspicious for COVID-associated aspergillosis, which can be conditionally divided into typically bronchogenic and conventionally non-bronchogenic signs. Of the total number of patients in the main group, the bronchogenic signs (single and multiple intracellular foci, «peribronchial cuffs», bronchiectasis) were noted in 56 (38.89%) patients, and in 43 (76.79%) of them, the transformation into signs characteristic of a fungal lesion was revealed. Conventionally non-bronchogenic primary signs were identified in 88 (61.11%) patients. In the process of studying the dynamics of signs suspicious for COVID-associated aspergillosis, CT-signs typical of fungal lesions were obtained in 93 (64.58%) patients. Consolidations as a primary sign and a sign of transformation from foci were encountered in one time interval. This finding made it possible to collect all the signs of COVID-associated aspergillosis in a combined timing scheme.

CONCLUSION: The features of the clinical course of the disease in patients with COVID-19 do not allow us to confidently determine co-infection, such as aspergillosis. There are also difficulties in isolating the pathogen culture. Consequently, the role of computed tomography in identifying the semiotics of possible aspergillosis as a complication of COVID-19 is increasing. COVID-associated pulmonary aspergillosis on CT scans is characterized by signs of damage to the respiratory tract with the subsequent formation of cavitary structures.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):54-65
pages 54-65 views

“Blind spots” in the analysis of computed tomography of the head and neck area

Nechaev V.A., Vasiliev A.Y.


BACKGROUND: Diagnostic errors in radiology occur in 2–5% of cases and most of them are due to perception errors, when a pathological change is not detected during the initial analysis, although its presence is very obvious during a retrospective analysis. In some cases, the errors appear due to the presence of «blind spots» — anatomical areas that most often go unnoticed when interpreted by a radiologist. It is extremely important to know their features when analyzing the CT study of the head and neck area for a targeted and systematic search for pathology.

AIM: To determine the most common anatomical areas in which radiologists frequently miss pathological changes when analyzing computed tomograms of the head and neck area.

METHODS: We have retrospectively analyzed 62 computed tomography scans of the head and neck region in cancer patients, in which there was no description of additional clinically significant pathological changes at the initial assessment. All the cases of missed pathology were identified after the repeat radiological examination or after the retrospective analysis of the CT study.

RESULTS: Several anatomical zones were identified in which most frequently the pathological findings were not described in the initial analysis of computed tomography studies of the head and neck area: brachiocephalic vessels (n=15; 24,2%), parotid salivary glands (n=10; 16,1%), paranasal sinuses (n=8; 12,9%), lungs and mediastinum (n=9; 14,6%), brain and temporal bones (n=5; 8,1%), soft tissues of the neck (n=4; 6,5%), thyroid gland and cervical spine (n=3; 4,8%).

CONCLUSION: The most common «blind spots» in the analysis of computed tomography scans of the head and neck region have been identified. The knowledge about such regions may potentially lead to the reduced incidence of missed pathology when interpreting a computed tomography study of those anatomical locations.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):66-74
pages 66-74 views


Sirtuins in the pathogenetic therapy of neurodegenerative diseases

Samoilova E.M., Ivanova A.A., Laktionov P.P., Kalsin V.A., Romanov S.E.


The progressive decline in the physiological functions during aging leads to various diseases that place a heavy burden on patients, their families and the society as a whole. Due to the increasing average life expectancy, the problems of prevention and treatment of age-related diseases are becoming more and more relevant. As a part of the research on the regulation of the aging program, considerable attention has been focused on a small family of NAD+-dependent deacetylases and deacylases called sirtuins. These proteins are involved in the regulation of numerous intracellular processes, and disruption of their functions plays an important role in the development of various diseases, such as metabolic disorders, pathologies of the cardiovascular system and other organs, musculoskeletal diseases, and neurodegeneration. It is interesting to note that the activity of sirtuins can be modulated to some extent under the influence of pharmacological agents, which makes them promising targets for the prevention and therapy of age-related diseases. The aim of the current review is to summarize the effects of sirtuins on the development and pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, taking into account the reported clinical trials on the pharmacologic agents affecting the sirtuins’ activity.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):75-90
pages 75-90 views

The role of immune checkpoint inhibitors in the development and treatment of infectious processes

Mustafina D.A., Bagautdinova A.N., Zinatullina M.M., Gorbunov N.A., Zainetdinova E.T., Bukharmetova D.I., Leonov D.Y., Pirmagomedova A.G., Chernyshova A.E., Markhanos M.P., Abgaryan A.G., Arustamyan A.S., Chavro K.S., Mirzojonova F.


The incidence and prevalence of oncological diseases, which are the second most frequent cause of death, is steadily increasing among the population of the Russian Federation. The advances in translational medicine, including immunotherapy, have revolutionized the cancer treatment strategies. A particular breakthrough has been achieved in two areas of immunotherapy that have modernized the cancer treatment: chimeric T-cell receptors and antibodies known as immune checkpoint inhibitors, which block cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4), programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) and ligand programmed cell death receptor (PD-L1). Immune checkpoint inhibitors enhance the immune response of the tumor and can cause adverse effects as a result of hyperactivation of T cells. In turn, immunosuppressive drugs, which are often prescribed to mitigate the side effects associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors, are a risk factor for the development of infectious processes. The purpose of this review is to analyze the possible relationships between immune checkpoint inhibitors and the risk of infection, as well as to discuss the possible benefits of immune checkpoint inhibitors as a treatment for various types of infections, including viral, parasitic and fungal infections, as well as sepsis. Although immune checkpoint inhibitors have demonstrated the ability to significantly increase the life expectancy of patients with advanced cancer, they often lead to adverse events, which often require a treatment with immunosuppressive drugs, including corticosteroids, anti-TNF and other biological agents. The overall effect of immune checkpoint inhibitors on human infections remains poorly understood. Further research is needed to understand the basic mechanisms of the immunological effects of immune checkpoint inhibitors on various types of infections, since in some cases such effects may be beneficial.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):91-106
pages 91-106 views

Case reports

Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome against the background of thyroid cancer: a clinical case

Khozhenko E.V., Kiparisova E.S., Larina I.V., Vaulicheva A.L., Grigoriev S.S., Mavlyudova E.S.


BACKGROUND: Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome (G73.1 according to ICD-10) is a rare autoimmune disease associated with a presynaptic impairment of neuromuscular transmission due to the production of antibodies to voltage-gated calcium channels. The peculiarity of Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome is manifested in a combination of increased muscle weakness and fatigue with the phenomenon of «working in» — an increase in the muscle strength against the background of muscle load after a short-term maximum contraction. Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome is often associated with small cell lung cancer and very rarely develops with tumors of another localization.

CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: We observed an 80-year-old patient with complaints of weakness and pain in the hips, shoulders, pelvic region, and half-ptosis of the eyelids. For half-ptosis of the eyelids, a differential diagnosis was conducted with myasthenia gravis. Stimulation electromyography revealed the M-response increment, i.e. the phenomenon of “working in”, which is typical for this syndrome. The examination revealed papillary thyroid cancer, which was later treated surgically.

CONCLUSION: This case illustrates Lambert–Eaton’s paraneoplastic myasthenic syndrome, a rare tumor form associated with thyroid cancer.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):107-112
pages 107-112 views

Development of Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome after infection with SARS-CoV-2 against the background of comorbidity

Alpidovskaya О.V.


BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected rheumatic diseases. A clinical case of the development of Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 infection in a patient with secondary AA adrenal amyloidosis is presented.

CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: Patient G., 57 years old, was hospitalized for several hours on May 20, 2023 at the Cheboksary Regional Hospital with the following diagnosis: “Severe viral interstitial pneumonia. Secondary AA adrenal amyloidosis. Acute adrenal insufficiency”. She was admitted with complaints of a febrile temperature up to 38.2°C. Computed tomography of the chest organs showed signs of bilateral viral interstitial pneumonia (the percentage of lung damage was 74%). The diagnosis of COVID-19 was based on a positive polymerase chain reaction test performed on nasopharyngeal swabs. The blood pressure was 80/40 mm Hg, D-dimer 786 ng/ml (with the normal values of not higher than 243 ng/ml). Despite the treatment, the patient died. An autopsy revealed dystelectasis, hyaline membranes, intraalveolar edema in the lungs, and the deposition of amyloid masses, foci of necrosis of the cortical layer and hemorrhage in the adrenal glands. Signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome were found.

CONCLUSION: The peculiarity of the case is the development of Waterhouse–Frideriksen syndrome without signs of sepsis.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):113-119
pages 113-119 views

Transient idiopathic perivascular inflammation of the carotid artery syndrome (TIPIC syndrome) is a rare variant of non-atherosclerotic arteriopathy

Belopasova A.V., Miglyachenko P.S., Chechetkin A.O., Dreval M.V., Dobrynina L.A.


BACKGROUND: Transient Idiopathic Perivascular Inflammation of the Carotid artery (TIPIC) or carotidynia is a clinical and radiological syndrome manifested as ipsilateral neck pain and an ipsilateral perivascular infiltrate according to ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Due to the low awareness of physicians, this pathology is often mistakenly regarded as dissection or atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries, which leads to additional unnecessary diagnosis and treatment.

CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: Here, we present a case of idiopathic carotidynia with a discussion of the diagnostic algorithm and management of patients with unilateral neck pain.

CONCLUSION: Timely and competently interpreted ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging studies of arteries is a key link in the diagnosis of carotidynia. The complete regression of symptoms and pathological changes in the arteries without a specific therapy classifies it as a benign variant of non-atherosclerotic arteriopathy.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2024;15(1):120-128
pages 120-128 views

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