Detection of potentially malignant diseases of the oral cavity in dental care

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Objective. To study the detection of potentially malignant diseases of the oral cavity in the provision of dental care in outpatient settings

Methods. The analysis of the reporting form 039-2/y-88 for 2011–2020 and medical records of 2400 patients who received dental care on an outpatient basis was carried out.

Results. Over the past 10 years, the proportion of people who underwent treatment of the oral mucosa has decreased, relative to the total number of admitted patients and the number of primary patients. Potentially malignant diseases of the oral cavity were diagnosed on an outpatient basis in 7.5 % of cases: leukoplakia – 1.75 %, erythroplakia – 0.4 %, lichen planus – 1.25 %, candidiasis – 4.7 %. In 65.5 % of the out-patient medical record issued for the treatment and extraction of teeth, there is no description of the oral mucosa, in 26.8 % – a description of the normal state is given, in 7.7 % – it is indicated that there are changes in the oral mucosa, of which 5.3 % of the changes are described with varying degrees of detail. At the same time, complaints of burning, pain in the mouth when eating and talking are present in 19.5 % of the out-patient medical record issued during the treatment and removal of teeth.

Conclusions. The frequency of diagnosing potentially malignant diseases of the oral cavity in the provision of dental care in outpatient settings is lower than the data of Russian epidemiological studies. Dentists in outpatient settings do not pay due attention to the condition of the oral mucosa.

About the authors

A. A. Rykhlevich

Academy of Postgraduate Education under the “Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Specialized Medical Assistance of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation, Moscow


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