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Aim. To assess the quality of life dynamics in children with attention deficit and hyperactivity syndrome (ADHS) against the background of complex rehabilitation measures including hypoxi-hypercapnic training with respiratory training stimulator (RTS) ”Carbonic”. Materials and methods. Sixty three children (aged 10-15) diagnosed ADHS were examined: the main group (MG) - 33 children, the comparison group (CG) - 30 children. Children’s quality of life was assessed with PedsQL 4.0 questionnaire before and after treatment. Results. After treatment, there was observed an increase by the following scales: “Emotional State” - (43,1 % ( p < 0,05) in MG and 20% ( p < 0,05) in CG), “Communication” (67,2 % ( p < 0,05) in MG and 31,8 % ( p < 0,05) in CG), “School” (17% ( p < 0,05) in MG and 12,9 % ( p < 0,05) in CG). Conclusions. Among children with ADHS, the lowest indices regarding the quality of life were obtained by “Emotional State” and “Communication” scales. After rehabilitation course including RTS ”Carbonic”, positive dynamics of “Emotional State” by 43,1 % ( p < 0,05) and “Communication” by 67,2 % ( p < 0,05) was noted.

About the authors

A A Startsev

Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

Email: startssev@mail.ru
аспирант кафедры медицинской реабилитологии


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