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Goal. Study of the features of hemogram and biochemical indicators of blood in children with different supply of vitamins.
Materials and methods. The laboratory determination of the content of vitamins A, C, D, E, B6 and B12 in the blood of children attending pre-school educational organizations (hereinafter - OED), where the standard C-vitaminization of the diet was carried out.
The observation group consisted of 146 children with hypovitaminosis in two or more vitamins, the comparison group included 42 children with a physiological level of vitamin supply for all the vitamins studied. An integral evaluation of hematological and biochemical blood indices in children of the compared groups was carried out.
Results. It is shown that 75-85% of the children surveyed have a year-round deficit of vitamins, which has the character of polyhypovitaminosis in 40%. It has been established that in the autumn and winter period, the supply of children with vitamins A and C is characterized as "subnormal", while in spring 70% of children experience a deficiency of vitamin C and 15% of vitamin A. In autumn, every third child has a vitamin B6 deficiency, and each 10 is vitamin D; by spring, the number of children with insufficient availability of these vitamins increases in 1.8-6.3 times. Half of the children attending pre-school educational organizations experience a year-round vitamin B12 deficiency. From September to May, the level of provision of children with vitamin A is reduced by more than 60%, vitamin E - by 55%, vitamin C - by 25%, vitamin D - by 15.
Conclusions. In children with inadequate supply of vitamins, a more intense state of the erytriocyte germ of the hematopoiesis and a decrease in the proliferative activity of the lymphocytic monocystic sprout are observed against a background of a higher activity of allergic cell reactions; there is a lower level of activity of protein, carbohydrate, mineral and energy metabolism in children with insufficient vitamin supply.

About the authors

Aleksandr Mikhailovich Yambulatov

FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4098-5583

post-graduate student FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”

Russian Federation, Russian Federation, Perm, 82 Monastyrskaya St., 614045


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