Assessment of calcium-phosphorous metabolism in patients with early infantile caries by laboratory data

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Aim. To assess the laboratory indices of calcium-phosphorous metabolism in patients with early infantile caries (EIC).

Materials and methods. Complex clinicolaboratory examination of 34 children (age range 36 to 72 months), diagnosed early infantile caries, was carried out. Patients’ dental status was stated; a number of laboratory studies to estimate calcium phosphorous metabolism with further mathematical processing of the obtained material was fulfilled.

Results. The analyzed laboratory studies showed the absence of pathological regulation of calcium-phosphorous metabolism in the body of the examined patients. The correlation analysis of caries intensity and daily urinary calcium and phosphorus levels in patients of type I revealed weak correlation feedback, r = –0.21, r = –0.25. The analogous analysis in patients of types II and III detected moderate feedback and the similar statistical data, namely, r = –0.26, r = –0.34 and r = –0.27, r = –0.29, respectively.

Conclusions. Interaction between the deficit of the excreted calcium and phosphorus in the daily urine and the risk for development of early infantile caries was found in patients with EIC. Laboratory diagnostic studies, so as to administer adequate drug therapy for correction of separate indices of calcium-phosphorous metabolism, are necessary. It should be also noted that among patients with decompensated form of caries course, low calcium indices are more often associated with low phosphorus indices in the urine against the background of hematological parameters, which keep within the standards.

About the authors

D. V. Kamenskikh

Academician Ye.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

кандидат медицинских наук, старший лаборант кафедры детской стоматологии и ортодонтии им. Е.Ю. Симановской

Russian Federation, 26, Petropavlovskay street, Perm, 614000


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