Dynamics of life quality, anxiety and depression symptoms among patients with chronic insomnia in complex sanatorium-and-health resort treatment with inclusion of transcranial magnetotherapy

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Aim. To evaluate the dynamics of the quality of life, symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with chronic insomnia against the background of complex sanatorium-and-health resort treatment with inclusion of transcranial magnetotherapy (TCMT).

Materials and methods. 63 patients (mean age 53.1 ± 1.4 years) with verified diagnosis of chronic insomnia were examined. The patients were divided into 2 randomized groups by means of randomized sampling technique: 33 patients  of the main group were administered a basic sanatorium complex including nitric-siliceous baths with low content of radon, massage of head and collar zone,  terrencure, cognitive-behavioral therapy, group psychotherapy, transcerebral magnetotheprapy; 30 patients of the comparison group had the same therapy, but no TCMT.

Results. When analyzing the initial data before treatment, high levels of subclinical and clinically manifested anxiety and depression were revealed in all patients with insomnia. When comparing subjective complaints before and after treatment within both groups, a reliable dynamics in anxiety and depression assessment was detected. In the main group with TCMT used, the results of treatment were significantly better, than in the comparison group. In the comparison group, positive reliable dynamics of the quality of life indices was also noted, but it was statistically less significant by all scales, than in the main group.

Conclusions. Transcranial magnetotherapy, included into complex of sanatorium-and-health resort treatment of chronic insomnia patients, permits to reduce subjective clinical symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve patients’ quality of life, mostly of psychological component of their health status.

About the authors

A. G. Goryaev

JSC “Health Resort Belokurikha”, Sanatorium “Siberia”; Altai State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: tkulishova@bk.ru

аспирант кафедры поликлинической терапии и медицинской реабилитологии с курсом ДПО

Russian Federation, Belokurikha, Barnaul


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