Role of interactive survey in early diagnosis of chronic kidney diseases

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Objective. To conduct a comparative study of the prevalence of specific symptoms in patients with kidney damage using the automated program "Electronic Polyclinic" to optimize the algorithm for early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease.

Materials and methods. 18 patients of the therapeutic unit with kidney lesions, confirmed by laboratory and instrumental studies, as well as 7 healthy persons were examined. The main problems of patients were identified by the method of interactive questioning with the help of the program "Electronic Polyclinic". Further, a statistical analysis of the data and a comparative study with the control group of healthy persons were carried out using STATISTICA 12.0 program.

Results. The main symptoms of kidney damage were reliably determined and a low sensitivity of individual symptoms in the diagnosis, in contrast to the syndromic approach, was revealed. It showed that in 100 % of cases the automated program "Electronic Polyclinic" detected the syndromes, that indicates its high efficiency. An algorithm for early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease was proposed, which consists in an initial interactive survey followed by examination formulated by the computer program.

Conclusions. The method of interactive survey using the automated program "Electronic Polyclinic" allows you to effectively identify the syndromes of kidney damage, makes a preliminary diagnosis and draws up a plan of examination for further confirmation of the diagnosis. Symptomatic diagnosis has a number of disadvantages including low sensitivity and specificity, so it yields to syndromic diagnosis.

About the authors

Ekaterina Alekseevna Burtseva

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

third-year student of Medical Faculty

Russian Federation, 614990, Perm, st. Petropavlovskaya, 26.

Vitaly Yurievich Mishlanov

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor, MD, PhD, Head Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases № 1

Russian Federation, 614990, Perm, st. Petropavlovskaya, 26.

Anna Vladimirovna Anikeeva

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


resident, Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases № 1

Russian Federation, 614990, Perm, st. Petropavlovskaya, 26.

Victoria Ivanovna Selezneva

City Clinical Hospital № 4


therapeutist, Head of Therapeutic and Nursing Unit

Russian Federation, 613037, Perm, st. Kim, 2.

Ekaterina Petrovna Koshurnikova

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associated Professor, Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases № 1

Russian Federation, 614990, Perm, st. Petropavlovskaya, 26.

Sergey Vladimirovich Chugainov

City Clinical Hospital № 4



Russian Federation, 613037, Perm, st. Kim, 2.


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Outline of study design

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3. Fig. 2. Scheme of the algorithm for early diagnosis of kidney diseases

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Copyright (c) 2021 Burtseva E.A., Mishlanov V.Y., Anikeeva A.V., Selezneva V.I., Koshurnikova E.P., Chugainov S.V.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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