Predictors for clinically relevant pancreatic fistulas after surgical treatment infected pancreatic necrosis.

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Aim to analyze the risk factors for clinically relevant pancreatic fistulas after surgical treatment of infected pancreatic necrosis. Methods and materials. We conducted a retrospective analysis of 44 successive cases of surgical treatment infected pancreatic necrosis. Risk factors for development clinically relevant pancreatic fistulas were investigated by Spearman’s correlation coefficient.

Results. In the follow-up the reoperations were performed due to pancreatic fistulas in 11,36% and to pseudocysts – in 9%. Conversely, a significant moderate correlation was observed between clinically relevant pancreatic fistulas and the following factors: pancreatic necrosis in the neck (r=0,31, p=0,00), its depth 50% and more (r=0,46, p=0,00), volume of drainage fluid output (r=0,55, p=0,00) and drain amylase level (r=0,53, p=0,00). Conclusion. Pancreatic necrosis in the neck, its depth 50% and more, volume of drainage fluid output more than 150 ml (r=0,55, p=0,00) and drain amylase level more 1000 U/L were risk factors for pancreatic fistulas after surgical treatment of infected pancreatic necrosis

About the authors

Luidmila Kotelnikova

Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е.А. Вагнера

Author for correspondence.

доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры хирургии ФДПО

Russian Federation

Pavel Kudryavsev



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