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Aim. To assess the sickness rate in preschool children, depending on their nutrition. Materials and methods. The investigation of preschool children is presented as a cohort, retrospective, open, randomized study. Children were divided into 2 groups by resistance index and ARVI: group 1 - RI 0.32 (330 children), group 2 - RI > 0.33 (350 children). Cohort inclusion criteria: mature infants from full families; naturally born; repeated ARVI at the age of 5-6; absence of ENT and allergic pathology; children regularly attending infant school for not less than 2 years and living nearby. Exclusion criteria: infants, born as a result of operative delivery; premature infants from incomplete families; sickness rate - ARVI 3 times and more, presence of ENT and allergic pathology; parents and children, refusing from study. Odds ratio (OR) and relative risk (RR) of different factors was calculated using the program “OpenEpi” with determination of 95 % confidence interval (95% CI). Prognostic coefficient (PC), determined by Wald method, was calculated for each of factor gradations. Results. More irrational nutrition was observed in children with resistance index (RI) > 0.33. The maximum share of healthy two-year-old children, correctly fed (RI < 0.32) was 65.2 % (95%CI 251.3-178.7), incorrectly fed (RI > 0.33) - 43.1 % (95%CI 185.5-116.5). Three-year- old children, attending infant school, had growth of ARVI sickness rate. The maximum share of children, who had correct nutrition with RI < 0.32 and fell ill with ARVI twice a year was 21.5 % (95%CI 178.1-111.9) and incorrect nutrition with RI > 0.33 - 54.2 % (95%CI 1301.3-78.7). When calculating odds and risks for ARVI morbidity development, correlation between correct and incorrect nutrition was stated. When estimating odds and risks ratio as >1, risk for ARVI morbidity development in children with incorrect nutrition during the days off was established to be higher. The following groups of children were distinguished depending on nutrition and resistance index using Wald method: risk groups, favorable and unfavorable. In case of prolonged incorrect nutrition of children during the days off, risk can change to unfavorable zone (frequent ARVI). Conclusions. Among children with incorrect nutrition during the days off, the risk to fall ill with ARVI is higher, than in children from all age groups with correct nutrition. At the age of two, 43.1% of children with incorrect nutrition can form a risk group, which includes children with poor health. When using prognostic coefficient by Wald method, one can assume the group and give necessary recommendations on nutrition.

About the authors

S E Startseva

Пермская краевая клиническая больница

врач - пульмонолог 614066, г. Пермь, ул. Баумана, 17А

N A Krasavina

Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е.А. Вагнера

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, доцент кафедры педиатрии ФДПО 614000, г. Пермь, ул. Петропавловская, 26


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Copyright (c) 2017 Startseva S.E., Krasavina N.A.

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