Reaction of peripheral circulation to apnoea in young women with idiopatic arterial hypotency

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Summary. The aim of the study was to study the response of peripheral vascular hemodynamics to apnea in young women with idiopathic arterial hypotension. Material and methods. A comparative analysis of the results of ultrasound scanning of peripheral arteries and veins was carried out in a trial with apnea between 19 women with idiopathic arterial hypotension - SBP 98 (92-98) mmHg and 11 women with normal arterial pressure - SBP 124 (121-126) mmHg. The age of women in both groups was 18-25 years. Measurement of blood pressure, peripheral oxygen saturation. Angioscanning was performed lying down, at rest, before and after a 20 second respiratory arrest. We studied the diameter, velocity of blood flow in vertebral, humeral, radial and posterior tibial arteries, and veins. Results. Apnea in young women with hypotension causes an increase in the diameter of a larger number of arteries than in the control group. With hypotension, there was a decrease in the rate of blood flow in the arteries in the absence of dynamics of venous blood flow velocity. Conclusions. These changes in peripheral blood flow in arterial hypotension should be considered as a manifestation of disadaptation. Disadaptation is caused by excessive endothelium-dependent dilatation of resistive vessels and oppression of the vasotonic reaction. Disadaptation is associated with excessive production of endothelium nitric oxide. 

About the authors

Tatiana Yurievna Agafonova

Perm State Medical University

SPIN-code: 3548-3830

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine No. 1.

Russian Federation, 614990. Russia, Perm. ul. Petropavlovskaya, 26.

Valeriy Mihajlovich Baev

Perm State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9283-8094
SPIN-code: 8609-1960

the doctor of medical sciences, the professor, the head of the department of emergency medicine.

Russian Federation, 614990. Russia, Perm. ul. Petropavlovskaya, 26.

Oksana Aleksandrovna Samsonova

Perm State Medical University

SPIN-code: 4828-6552

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Chair of Faculty Therapy №1

Russian Federation, 614990. Russia, Perm. ul. Petropavlovskaya, 26.

Radina Radina Sharhatullovna

Medical Center LLC "Radost". 


a doctor of ultrasound diagnostics

Russian Federation, 614000. Russia. Perm, ul. Dokuchaeva, 42.


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Copyright (c) 2018 Agafonova T.Y., Baev V.M., Samsonova O.A., Sharhatullovna R.R.

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