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Objective: to Study the possibility of using the MELD scale to determine the severity of CKD and to determine its diagnostic capabilities.
Methods:we Examined 30 patients with CKD, of which 15 patients were compensated stage of CKD (grade a+) Child-Pugh and 15 people with decompensated cirrhosis (class C). In the blood was evaluated the concentration of total bilirubin and creatinine were calculated INR and the MELD index.
Results: the Calculated MELD index using the indicators of total bilirubin, creatinine and INR increased with the progression of CKD 5 in the stage of compensation to 26 in decompensated stage (p<0.001) and directly correlated with the severity of cirrhosis, assessed by Child-Pugh (rs=0,64; p=0.005). The threshold index value of MELD for the differentiation of compensated stage decompensated CPU from equal to 11.
Conclusions:MELD Calculated index allows to differentiate the degree of severity of CKD with a sensitivity of 73.3% and a specificity of 84.6%. When the value of the index, MELD less than or equal to 11 are diagnosed with compensated stage of the CPU, a value of more than 11 sets of decompensated cirrhosis.Ваши исправления помогают повысить качество машинного переводаСообщить об ошибке

About the authors

Irina Bulatova


Svetlana Paducheva

Пермский государственный медицинский университет

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8255-088X
SPIN-code: 2581-7279

ассистент кафедры клиническая лабораторная диагнстика ФДПО

Russian Federation

Alevtina Shchekotova


Irina Shchekotova



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Copyright (c) 2018 Bulatova I., Paducheva S., Shchekotova A., Shchekotova I.

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