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Aim. To study the quantitative content of blood serum sAPO-1/FAS in patients with disseminated sclerosis (DS) and healthy adults. Materials and methods. The data from 1084 patients with disseminated sclerosis, residents of Perm Krai, were analyzed. Risk factors for the development of this disease were determined on the basis of a large sampling. Emotional status and quantitative sAPO-1/FAS content was studied in the group of patients consisting of 46 persons, who did not differ from a massive sampling by sex, age, disability degree, severity and type of disease course. Results. Disseminated sclerosis prevalence in Perm Krai was 41,2 cases per 100 thousand of the population (01.01.2014). Risk factors for DS development are the following: viral infections as factors “triggering” the onset and exacerbation of DS, chronic tonsillitis and measles in anamnesis, mother’s age ranging 31 to 40 years, contact with dyes and metals after reaching the age of 15, durable work using computer as well residence near chemical plants. Conclusions. Patients with disseminated sclerosis have a high degree of reactive and personal anxiety, comorbid with preclinical stage of depression. A mean content of blood serum sAPO-1/FAS in DS patients exceeds the healthy persons’ parameters and correlates with disability degree by EDSS scale. The obtained data prove participation of proinflammatory reactive factor of sAPO-1/FAS (sCD-95) apoptosis in mechanisms of DS neurodegenerative process.

About the authors

A V Zhelnin

Ордена «Знак Почета» Пермская краевая клиническая больница, Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е.А. Вагнера

кандидат медицинских наук, заведующий неврологическим отделением, ассистент кафедры неврологии им. В.П. Первушина


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