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Aim. To characterize the hemodynamics in the abdominal cavity vessels among children with mucoviscidosis depending on the type of hepatic lesion. Material and methods. Thirty one patients with mucoviscidosis aged 7-17 years were examined. Dopplerograpy was used to estimate hemodynamics in the vessels of the abdominal cavity including determination of their diameters, linear and volumetric blood flow rates and resistance index. Results. Dilatation of abdominal vessels in mucoviscidosis, decrease in linear blood flow rate and rise in resistance index in children’s celiac trunk with essential disorders of the liver structure was found. In the venous vessels, growth of volumetric blood flow rate was registered as the degree of structural hepatic parenchyma disorders increased. Conclusions. Mucoviscidosis in children with marked disorders of liver structure is characterized by dilatation of abdominal arteries and veins, except abdominal aorta and postcava. Changes in regional hemodynamic parameters for this category of patients were manifested by decrease in linear and rise in arterial and venous volumetric blood flow rate as well as growth in resistance index.

About the authors

E M Spivak

Ярославский государственный медицинский университет

доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры факультетской педиатрии с пропедевтикой детских болезней

O S Zaitseva

Детская клиническая больница № 1

врач диагностического отделения


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Copyright (c) 2016 Spivak E.M., Zaitseva O.S.

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