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Aim. To study adiponectin secretion and its disturbance in patients suffering from cholelithiasis (C) associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Materials and methods. Adiponectin secretion was studied in 22 patients with cholelithiasis associated with DM2, arterial hypertension (AH), nonalcoholic hepatic fatty disease (NAHFD), obesity (group 1) and in 10 women with polymorbid pathology, but without cholelithiasis (group 2). Results. Blood adiponectin level in patients of group 2 decreased as compared with its level in the group of young healthy women, respectively 14,26 ± 1,01 mkg/ml and 17,9 ± 1,15 mkg/ml ( p < 0,05). Blood adiponectin level in patients of group 1 was higher versus patients of group 2 and was equal to 15,79 ± 1,75 mkg.ml. Conclusions. Patients suffering from DM2 associated with obesity, AH, dislipidemia and, NAHFD had decreased adiponectin secretion. When cholelithiasis is associated with polymorbid pathology, a higher level of blood adiponectin is observed, despite lipid metabolism disorders and atherogenesis. So, delay of adiponectin secretion, caused by cholestasis in such patients, can’t be excluded.

About the authors

Ya A Kamenskikh

Пермский государственный медицинский университет имени академика Е.А. Вагнера

Email: kyara1@list.ru
аспирант кафедры эндокринологии и клинической фармакологии


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