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Aim. The aim of the study was to compare the efficiency of therapeutic complexes including functional programmed or usual muscle electrostimulation by the results of elecromyogram analysis. Materials and methods. Patients aged 3-16 years were presented in 3 groups. Group 1 (38 children) with infantile cerebral paralysis (ICP) in the form of spastic diplegia received functional programmed muscle electrostimulation. Group 2 (control) (33 children with analogous diagnosis) received passive muscle electrostimulation. Group 3 (for determining standard indices) (41 patients without cerebral paralysis) had no treatment. Results. In patients of the first group, there was observed a reliable ( p < 0,05) increase in a relative amplitude of bioelectric activity of the stimulated leg and back muscles (> 20 % in a number of muscles), significant ( p < 0,05) growth in a relative synchronism by the time of contraction of these muscles (> 15 % in a number of muscles). In children of the second group, dynamics of indices was significantly ( p < 0,05) less. Conclusions. The best result was obtained in the group of patients, who underwent treatment with functional programmed muscle electrostimulation.

About the authors

V V Eliseev

Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

аспирант кафедры медицинской реабилитологии с курсом ФПК и ППС


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