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Aim. To study the long-term results of neuroprotector retinalamine therapy in patients with open-angle glaucoma. Materials and methods. 48 patients (77 eyes) including 20 men and 28 women with compensated primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) of initial (I) and developed (II) stages were examined. Group I (main) involved 27 patients, 40 eyes (mean age 63,28±8,86 years): stage I glaucoma was detected on 24 % of eyes, stage II - on 76%; against the background of traditional complex neuroprotector therapy retinalamine was administered lymphotropically on the side of the damaged eye. Group 2 (control) included 21 patients, 37 eyes (mean age 64,65±7,92 years); traditional neuroprotector therapy was performed. Results. After the course of treatment, visual function improved in both groups, however, in the main group - 0,1 increase in visual acuity was observed in 50% of cases, but in the control - only in 29,8%. The number of scotomas in the standard points decreased in the main group by 3 times, in the control - by 1,5times. Three months later, these functions remained previous in both groups. Six months late, both groups indicated fall in the visual acuity and rise in the number of scotomas, but in the main group vision fall was registered in 10 % of cases, and in the control - in 32,4 % of cases. Positive dynamics was fixed in the main group during the period up to 24 months in 24 patients on 37 eyes (93,5 %). In the control group, stabilization of visual functions during the same period was reached in 59,2 %. Conclusions. Dedystrophic therapy courses combined with lymphotropic introduction of retinalamine increase the efficiency of treatment and contribute to long preservation of visual functions in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma at the initial and developed stages.

About the authors

A V Drugov

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е. А. Вагнера, Пермь, Россия

к.м.н., доцент кафедры офтальмологии

I N Subbotina

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е. А. Вагнера, Пермь, Россия

д.м.н., профессор кафедры офтальмологии

T V Gavrilova

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е. А. Вагнера, Пермь, Россия

д.м.н., профессор, заведующая кафедрой офтальмологии


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Copyright (c) 2014 Drugov A.V., Subbotina I.N., Gavrilova T.V.

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