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Aim. To study the patterns of detecting glycogen in ectocervix epithelium and neutral polysaccharides – in columnar epithelium in the zone of transformation among patients with human papilloma virus infection (HPV-infection). Materials and methods. The object of the study – 105 women aged 25 to 39 years who were diagnosed HPV-infection using PCR-method. Patients underwent standard gynecological examination and extended colposcopy with target (colposcopically oriented) biopsy of the uterine cervix. Bioptic material was subjected to histological investigation with generally accepted histological methods. Polysaccharide content of mucopolysaccharides was investigated on the basis of histochemical methods including analytical and enzymatic treatment (PAS-reaction with control diastase reactions; semiquantitative estimation of results by mean cytochemical coefficient). Histological specimens cells were calculated with 400-enlargement (x 400) of microscope on the test area of 0,042 mm 2, not less than in 5 vision fields for each specimen. Statistical analysis was performed using the program package Biostat. Statistical processing of the results was conducted with Kruscal-Wallis method. Results. Analysis of carbohydrate content (glycogen and neutral mucopolysaccharides) in the cells of multilayer flat and monolayer columnar glandular epithelium of uterine cervix in HPV-infected patients demonstrated decrease in flat epithelial cells glycogen content as CIN was progressing just till its full disappearance in patients with CIN III, as well as decrease in columnar (glandular) epithelial cells neutral mucopolysaccharide content as CGIN was progressing. The obtained data agree with a modern notion of dysplastic processes in flat and glandular uterine cervix epithelium and reflect dysplastic changes in multilayer flat and monolayer columnar epithelium which accompany human papilloma virus infection. Conclusion. Histological investigation of bioptic material obtained from patients with uterine cervix pathology associated with HPV-infection established the regularities of changes in multilayer flat ectocervix epithelium glycogen content as CIN was progressing and neutral mucopolysaccharide content as CGIN was progressing.

About the authors

V V Vetelina

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е.А. Вагнера

аспирант кафедры патологической физиологии


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