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The review of recent literature data concerning the problem of impaired regulation of ectocervical epithelial сell cycle in cervical intraepithelial neoplasias ( CIN ) is presented in the paper. The role of mitogenic (epidermal growth factor - EGF, keratinocyte growth factor - KGF , vascular endothelium growth factor - VEGF , insulin-like growth factor - IGF , cell cycle regulators - cyclines and cycline-dependent kinases - CDK ) and antimitogenic factors (tumor necrosis factor-alpha - TNF-α, transforming growth factor-beta, TGF-ß) in development and progression of CIN is discussed. Significance of TNF-α R1 receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor ( EGFR ) activation in pathogenesis of precancerous ectocervical processes is indicated.

About the authors

V V Vetelina

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е. А. Вагнера, г. Пермь, Россия

Email: sei-p@mail.ru
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