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Aim. To study the peculiar features of psychoemotional and psychosocial status in women with diagnosed sterility and pregnant women with miscarriage in anamnesis. Materials and methods. 173 women were under observation. The main group involved 123 patients diagnosed sterility and miscarriage in anamnesis; the control group included 50 patients with physiological course of pregnancy in anamnesis. Express-diagnosis of depressive status using self-rating scales (Depression Scales) was carried out; presence and evidence of depressive symptomatology, the leading mechanisms of psychological defense as well as types of patients’ attitude to their disease based on psychological methods were studied. Results. In case of physiological pregnancy course, the occurring psychovegetative changes should be regarded as reaction directed to adaptation of the body and personality to pregnancy. The states of tiredness, anxiety, depression, private dissatisfaction, emotional instability, intolerance to people around, deterioration of relations between husband and wife were exceeded in the main group. In most women of the main group (94%) there was observed the state of mild depression or bad mood. The distinguishing feature of patients diagnosed sterility and miscarriage in anamnesis was an elevated personal (44% - moderate and high levels, 12% - low level) and reactive anxiety (8% - moderate level and 92% - low level). In the control group, moderate level of personal anxiety was revealed in 30% of women, low level - in 66% and high level - only in 4%. Conclusions. Uncertainty of reproductive status in women with sterility and miscarriage problems is a strong psychotraumatic factor which is displayed in different spheres of women’s life. Women being in chronic situation of uncertainty regarding their reproductive status need specialized psychopreventive and psychocorrecting work directed to decline in neuropsychical tension.

About the authors

D A Nabeeva

Ижевская государственная медицинская академия, г. Ижевск, Россия

аспирант кафедры акушерства и гинекологии


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Copyright (c) 2014 Nabeeva D.A.

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