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Aim. To study the histopathological changes in ectocervix epithelium among patients with HPV-infection. Materials and methods. The object of the study – 105 women aged 25 to 39 with PCR-diagnosed HPV-infection. Patients underwent standard gynecological investigation and widened colposcopy with a target (colposcopically oriented) uterine cervix biopsy. Biopsy material was subjected to histological investigation using the generally accepted histological methods. Statistical analysis was performed with the program package Biostat. For the purpose of assessing significance of differences between distribution of qualitative signs in the studied samples, χ 2 criterion and Z criterion were used. Results. Patients with HPV-infection had some morphological variants of changes in uterine cervix mucosa that depends on presence and degree of multilayer pavement epithelium dysplasia. It was established that while CIN is progressing, expression of such HPV-infection signs as manifestation of koilocytosis and hyper-and parakeratosis is reduced. Besides, there is a tendency to chronization of inflammatory changes in uterine cervix lamina as CIN degree is growing. As CIN degree is growing, there is increase in cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia degree (CGIN). Conclusion. As a result of histological investigation of biopsy material taken from HPV-infected patients with uterine cervix pathology, regularities of changes in the character of reactive ectocervix processes connected with CIN progressing were established.

About the authors

V V Vetelina

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е. А. Вагнера

Email: sei-p@mail.ru
аспирант кафедры патологической физиологии


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