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Aim. To assess the clinical efficiency of using hydrosurgical system VersaJet for patients with burning wounds. Materials and methods. Clinical efficiency of treating burning wounds with the help of the system VersaJet was assessed in 18 patients with men prevailing – 10 persons. The mean age of patients in the analyzed group was 64±12 years. The area of the wounds treated with hydrosurgical system VersaJet was 3,9±1,3%, they were mostly located on the lower and upper extremities. Results. After applying hydrosurgical system VersaJet, in 14 cases free autodermoplasty (FADP) with split skin graft (SSG) was used. Four patients underwent hydrosurgical treatment on the day 21±9 so as to prepare them for further free autodermoplasty with split skin graft. After this procedure, Fibrotul bandage with silver was applied to cover the injured surface. After treatment, one agent was sowed in 8 cases and Me number fell; in 3 investigations no microflora growth was registered. Conclusion. Hydrosurgical treatment of wounds widens the possibility of fast and selective wound surface cleansing.

About the authors

V A Samartsev

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е. А. Вагнера

Email: samarcev-v@mail.ru
доктор медицинских наук, заведующий кафедрой общей хирургии лечебного факультета

Yu A Encheva

Городская клиническая больница № 21, г. Пермь, Россия


N M Dronov

Городская клиническая больница № 21, г. Пермь, Россия

заведующий ожоговым отделением

V M Grikhutik

Городская клиническая больница № 21, г. Пермь, Россия



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Copyright (c) 2013 Samartsev V.A., Encheva Y.A., Dronov N.M., Grikhutik V.M.

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