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Aim. The aim of the study was to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of extratesticular lipomas (EL). Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of 4 EL cases observed at Moscow City Clinical Urological Hospital № 47 and City Clinical Hospital № 57 over the period from 1995 to 2015 was carried out. Among the X-ray methods for EL diagnosis, high resolution ultrasound investigation (> 7,5 MHz) and high pole magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) (1,5T) were used. Results. The patients’ mean age was 41,3 ± 30,6 years. EL was placed in the spermatic cord and the testicle membranes (2 cases), in the epididymis head and tail (2 cases). A single localization of EL was observed in 3 cases, combination of EL with multiple lipomatosis - in 1 case. The sizes of EL averaged 25,8 ± 17,2 mm (11,1 ± 12,7 cm3). EL caused pain and discomfort in the groin and scrotum in 2 cases, lateral course - in the rest cases. Spermatic cord and testicle membrane El were self-revealed, epididymis EL - with US. When palpating, EL was detected in the form of a tumor mass of the soft-elastic consistence, when carrying out US and MRT with suppression of signal from fat - in the form of an encapsulated mass of fatty density. EL diagnosis was verified in 3 cases after the surgery. The outcome of diseases was favorable in all patients. Differential diagnosis of EL with different surgical and urological diseases of the groin-scrotum region is discussed in the paper. Clinical case of spermatic cord membrane EL is reported. Conclusions. Despite typical radiation signs of EL, a reliable differentiation between EL and the other tumors of groin-scrotum region using clinical and radiation methods is not always possible. In such cases, taking into account patients’ complaints (pain, discomfort, cosmetic defect), the method of choice for treatment of EL is a surgical one - enucleation of EL followed by pathomorphological verification.

About the authors

A V Prokhorov

Городская клиническая больница № 57

Email: botex@rambler.ru
кандидат медицинских наук, заведующий отделением ультразвуковой диагностики


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