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Aim. To study the factors influencing formation of healthy children, which are necessary for development of a program dealing with correction of unfavorable factors and formation of healthy mode of life during a short-term summer rest. Materials and methods. Complex study of medicobiological factors was performed using questionnaire design and interview of parents. The study enclosed 2234 children from two camps - boys and girls of three age groups: 6-10, 11-13 and 14-16 years. The influence of living conditions and mode of life on children’s and adolescents’ health was studied on the basis of adopted and tested special anonymous questionnaire form “CINDI”. Results. Study of children’s and adolescents’ living conditions and mode of life in the framework of international program “CINDI” proves that every fifth pupil has no breakfast at home, only every seventh pupil has dinner at school. Exceeded maximum-regulated time spent for home work was noted in 34,8 % of pupils. The main elements of pupils’ rest during free time are characterized by passive forms prevailing over active ones. Only 60,8 % of pupils (59,9 % of boys, 85,8 % of girls) keep from drinking alcohol, 87,9 % (84,4 % of boys, 91,4 % of girls, p < 0,0001) are non-smokers. Therefore, anonymous study is added by parents’ questioning. Conclusions. The obtained information gives the possibility to single out the main directions, to develop and inculcate into practice health improving and preventive programs, to raise information level on the factors forming a healthy mode of life and to elevate children’s motivation to healthy way of life.

About the authors

N A Tanina

Нижегородская государственная медицинская академия, г. Нижний Новгород, Российская Федерация

аспирант кафедры организации здравоохранения]


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