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Aim. To study the embryonic and definitive histotopographic peculiarities of vascularization of the upper and lower thirds of esophageal membranes in human ontogenesis. Materials and methods. Esophaguses of 17 human embryos (10-36 weeks) and 6 adults (18 to 42- year-olds) were studied using classical morphological methods. Results. In 17-18-week-old- embryos, contacts between the vessels of internal venous network in the area of the upper and lower esophageal sphincter were revealed. Both venous networks of submucosal basis are underdeveloped. Germination of arteries occurs earlier in the upper part of esophagus and in the site of esophageal passage to the stomach. In 36-38-week-old embryos, microcirculatory channel of future sphincters is differentiated in layers. In adults, loop-shaped capillaries of mucosa are just near the basal layer cells forming firm tortuous lines in the lower third of esophagus. Venules fall into internal venous network of mucosal basis. Conclusion. In human ontogenesis, formation of tissue correlation between the upper and lower thirds of esophageal membranes occurs in parallel and is determined by the terms of microcirculatory cannel formation, functional status and pathological processes.

About the authors

A V Vodolazov

Медицинский институт «РЕАВИЗ», г. Самара, Россия

ассистент кафедры морфологии и патологии

V N Tokarev

Медицинский институт «РЕАВИЗ», г. Самара, Россия

аспирант кафедры морфологии и патологии

P A Gelashvili

Медицинский институт «РЕАВИЗ», г. Самара, Россия

Email: g_pa@mail.ru
д.м.н., профессор, заведующий кафедрой морфологии и патологии


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Copyright (c) 2014 Vodolazov A.V., Tokarev V.N., Gelashvili P.A.

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