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Aim. To study the changes in blood monocyte metabolic activity among patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (CVHC) depending on viral load. Materials and methods. Cytochemical study of 140 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C depending on viral load was carried out. Metabolic activity of blood monocytes before treatment was determined. Investigations were conducted using R.P. Nartsissov's method. Results were calculated with semiquantitative method of Kaplow. Results. Among CVHC patients with low viral load there was elevated activity of metabolic enzymes, but in patients with high viral load it was decreased. In the group of patients with "1" genotype having high viral load inhibition of blood monocyte dehydrogenase activity was stated, but in patients with "not 1" genotype - strengthening of metabolic enzymes activity. Among patients with "1" genotype having low viral load there was noted an insignificant increase in dehydrogenase activity, but in those with "not 1" genotype - a 2-2,5 fold growth in metabolic enzymes activity. In CVHC "1" genotype patients with high viral load, sharp inhibition of G-6-PhDG by 5,2 times was observed, activity of the rest enzymes lowered to a variable degree (SDG - by 1,7 times, LDG - by 1,5 times). This group with low viral load had a 1,5 fold growth in metabolic activity of enzymes. No essential differences in CVHC "not 1" genotype patients with high and low viral load were detected during our study. Conclusions. Among CVHC patients with high viral load independently of genotype, inhibition of dehydrogenases in blood monocytes was observed, but in patients with low viral load - tension of metabolic enzymes. Enzymatic activity of neutrophiles with "1" genotype was reliably lower than in "not 1" genotype irrespective of viral load (high or low). However, in patients with "1" genotype high viral activity significantly decreased enzymatic activity that was not observed in patients with "not 1" genotype. Key words. Chronic viral hepatitis C, viral load, dehydrogenase, blood monocytes.

About the authors

A A Alieva

Астраханская государственная медицинская академия, г. Астрахань, Россия

аспирант кафедры инфекционных болезней


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