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Aim. To assess the correlation between the subjective quality of sleep and the cognitive status in the acute period of insult among patients with minimum motor deficiency. Materials and methods. 67 patients (42 men and 25 women, aged 33–75 years) were examined in the acute period of insult. Neuropsychological study included the following tests: Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE), Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Watch Drawing Test (WDT), Words Test (5) (WT), Schulte Table (ST) and categorical Verbal Fluency Test (VF); the quality of sleep was assessed using Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) determination. Results. Neurodynamic, dysmnestic and mixed types of disorders were singled out on the basis of neuropsychical study. Conclusion. The cognitive status and subjective quality of sleep were assessed in 67 patients in the acute period of insult. After insult, patients had a reduced quality of sleep regarding the time of falling asleep, duration, sleep disturbance and day dysfunction. Low quality of sleep correlated with lower indices of verbal and regulatory processes. The most marked sleep disturbances were detected in patients with mixed and dysmnestic variants of cognitive deficiency.

About the authors

A A Kulesh

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е.А. Вагнера

Email: aleksey.kulesh@gmail.com
к.м.н., ассистент кафедры неврологии ФПК и ППС

T V Lapaeva

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е.А. Вагнера

ординатор кафедры неврологии ФПК и ППС

V V Shestakov

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е.А. Вагнера

д.м.н., профессор, зав. кафедрой неврологии ФПК и ППС


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Copyright (c) 2013 Kulesh A.A., Lapaeva T.V., Shestakov V.V.

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