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Aim. The aim of the study was to investigate the status of vegetative nervous system in adolescents with different types of headaches. Materials and methods. Ninety seven adolescents suffering from headache during the interictal period were examined. To assess the status of segmental and suprasegmental structures, the induced cutaneous sympathetic potentials were carried out. Results. Adolescents with cervicogenic headaches experienced increase in indices of the latent period as compared with healthy adolescents and patients suffering from tension headache and migraine. Significant growth in indices of the latent period of the induced potential in patients with cervicogenic headaches was established. Reliable reduction in the first phase amplitude in the group of female adolescents with cervicogenic headache was revealed. Significant rise in duration of the first phase of the induced potential from the girls’ left arms in this group was found. Duration of the ascending part of the second phase in female adolescents with migraine increased. Conclusions. Parasympathotonia is developing in adolescents with cervicogenic headaches, predominantly girls. Sympathotonia, prevailing in migraine, is proved by indices of duration of the ascending part of the second phase of the induced cutaneous sympathetic potential. Absence of statistically reliable differences when comparing the indices of duration of the ascending part of the second phase, duration of the descending part of the second phase and maximum amplitude in persons of different groups testifies in favour of the integrity of equilibrium position.

About the authors

E V Semenova

Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е.А. Вагнера

аспирант кафедры неврологии и нейрореабилитологии факультета дополнительного профессионального образования


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