Reviewing the pages of the first issues of «Perm medical journal»: 100th anniversary of this authoritative russian scientific edition

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In 2023, we celebrate a historical date – the 100th anniversary of publishing the first issue of “Perm Medical Journal”. The first editor-in-chief was an outstanding doctor, the founder of the first surgical school, Professor V.N. Parin. The content of the first eight volumes of the journal issued from 1923 to 1930 is analyzed in the article. The first paper of the first issue of a journal was devoted to epidemic typhus and relapsing fever. The papers of great scientists, professors such as A.V. Pshenichnov, P.I. Pichugin, A.S. Lebedev, P.I. Chistyakov, V.P. Pervushin and others impress by profundity of thought. Great attention in the journal was paid to the questions of surgery and urology; these papers constituted 52% of the content of the first eight volumes. Analysis of the works belonging to V.N. Parin, D.P. Kuznetsky, V.P. Shipitsyn, B.Ya. Strelkov, A.A. Vechtomov and other authors, which were devoted to diagnostics, treatment and prevention of gastric ulcer, ventral hernias, tumors of different organs, inflammatory surgical diseases, vascular, urinary, urethral and genital injuries, rhinoplasty, show that these publications aroused interest among Russian and foreign scientists and physicians and significantly influenced a progress of medical science and practical health care.

About the authors

М. .I Davidov

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Faculty Surgery and Urology

Russian Federation, Perm


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  4. Davidov M.I., Tokarev M.V. Ostry`j gnojny`j iliopsoit i ego otlichiya ot ostrogo paranefrita. Jeksperimental`naya i klinicheskaya urologiya 2016; 2: 100–105 (in Russian).
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  6. Davidov M.I., Pereskokov L.V., Nikonova O.E. Case-history of grand duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich Romanov. Russian Annals of Suogery 2019; 24 (6): 443–449 (in Russian). doi: 10.24022/1560-9502-2019-24-6-443-449.
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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. A patient with a huge cyst of the frontal sinus, successfully operated on by A.A. Vechtomov (“Perm Medical Journal”, 1923, vol. 1, p. 40)

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3. Fig. 2. From the article by V.P. Novikova “On bladder hernias” (“Perm Medical Journal”, 1923, vol. 1, no. 1–2, p. 56)

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4. Fig. 3. A woman with a giant ovarian cyst that contained 20 liters of fluid (Perm Medical Journal, 1926, vol. 4, no. 1–3, p. 120)

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5. Fig. 4. Rhinoplasty according to the method of A.A. Vechtomova (“Perm Medical Journal”, 1926, vol. 4, no. 1–3, p. 152)

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