Role of vitamin D in formation of climacteric syndrome

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Menopause is a physiological period during which involutional processes in the reproductive system predominate in a woman's body. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of age-related diseases, so it is important to examine and, if necessary, adjust the level of vitamin D. Purpose of the study. To determine the relationship between vitamin D levels and the severity of menopausal syndrome in postmenopausal women. Materials and methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted, which included data on 150 patients who applied for a gynecological appointment with complaints of manifestations of menopausal syndrome (CS). Results. As a result of the study, it was revealed that out of 150 women with manifestations of menopausal syndrome, the average level of 25(OH)D in the blood serum was 25.3(7.5) ng/ml. At the same time, in 49 (33%) of the surveyed, the content of hydroxyvitamin D was normal, a deficiency was observed in 53 (35%), and in 48 (32%), the indicators corresponded to a deficiency. However, the correlation analysis of the relationship between the level of vitamin D and the severity of the climacteric syndrome did not reveal a statistically significant relationship between the studied parameters (p=0.317). Conclusions. The severity of menopausal syndrome does not depend on the level of vitamin D in the blood, which confirms the leading role of hypoestrogenism in the etiopathogenesis of this condition.

About the authors

M. V. Koval

Ural State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1321-6583

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg

A. A. Udachina

Ural State Medical University

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. Correlation between 25(OH)D levels and Kupperman index values

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