Ozonotherapy influence on hormonal status of pregnant women of older reproductive age

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Aim. To study the hormonal status in pregnant women of older reproductive age and estimate the influence of administration of medical ozone on the course of pregnancy.

Materials and methods. Ninety pregnant women aged 35–44 years were examined over the period from 2013 to 2015. They were randomized by their age, social factors, associated gynecological and extragenital diseases. The main group (group I) joined 30 patients, the group of comparison (group II) – 30 patients and the control (group III) – 30 patients. All the patients underwent clinical and laboratory investigations according to the existing standards of obstetric examination. In the main group, complex treatment included therapy with medical ozone. In the comparison group, a standard medico-preventive therapy by the protocol №05 (20.02.2014 MH of AR) was implemented. In the control group, estrogen indices were studied in dynamics.

Results. Pregnant women aged 35 years and older have an unfavorable background of extragenital and gynecological pathology that is confirmed by hormonal background.

Conclusions. Planning of pregnancy, timely prevention and correction of clinicolaboratory indices permit to reduce the frequency and severity of pregnancy and delivery complications and improve the perinatal indices among patients of this age group.

About the authors

R. B. Safarova

Azerbaijan Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: nigar65@mail.ru

Кафедра Акушерства-Гинекологии I Диссертант

Azerbaijan, Baku


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