Results of catamnestic observation of cytomegalovirus infection in children

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Aim. To study the characteristic features of cytomegalovirus excretion into the blood, saliva and urine of children aged 1-3 years with different forms of infectious process.

Materials and methods. There were analyzed the results of observation of 65 children aged 1-3 years with acute cytomegalovirus infection, who received ambulatory treatment and were observed in catamnesis of 6 months. Cytomegalovirus infection markers were determined in blood, saliva and urine serologically (IgM, IgG) and using the method of quantitative PCR.

Results. The maximum quantity of virus was found to be determined during the acute form of cytomegalovirus infection in the saliva, exceeding the value of 6.0 lg of CMV DNA copies/ml (median 4.9 lg of CMV DNA copies/ml). In the blood and urine of patients with the acute form of infection, the quantity of virus is within low and mean values of viral load (3.4 lg of CMV DNA copies/ml and 3.85 lg of CMV DNA copies/ml). Six month after the acute form of infection, no CMV DNA was determined in the blood, it decreased to 2.8 lg of CMV DNA copies/ml in the saliva and to 3.0 lg of CMV DNA copies/ml in the urine.

Conclusions. Thus, the amount of cytomegalovirus DNA in the biological media of the body such as blood, saliva and urine is maximal during the acute form of disease that can be used as a diagnostic method.

About the authors

A. V. Permyakova

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры детских инфекционных болезней

Russian Federation, 26, Petropavlovskay street, Perm, 614000

N. S. Pospelova

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


ассистент кафедры детских инфекционных болезней

Russian Federation, 26, Petropavlovskay street, Perm, 614000

A. Yu. Deryusheva

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


студентка педиатрического факультета

Russian Federation, 26, Petropavlovskay street, Perm, 614000


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Copyright (c) 2019 Permyakova A.V., Pospelova N.S., Deryusheva A.Y.

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