Electrocardiographic and cardiobiochemical reactions in patients with closed chest injury

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Objective. To study the electrophysiological and clinicobiochemical characteristics of cardiovascular system in closed injury of the chest.

Materials and methods. There were examined 114 persons diagnosed the closed chest injury, who were admitted to the Thoracic Unit of City Clinical Hospital №9 in Izhevsk. The causes and mechanisms of injuries, the data of clinical and functional methods of investigations of cardiovascular system, the data of case histories and previous preventive examinations were analyzed. The comparison group involved 50 practically healthy men.

Results. The mean age of the persons in the main group and the comparison group was 45.9 ± 12.8 years and 44.7 ± 11.5 years, respectively. The prevailing causes of injury were the following: road accident – 17 persons (14.9 %), fall from a height (higher than one’s own height) – 32 persons (28.0 %), fall from a height of one’s own height – 37 persons (32.5 %). The increased values of the markers of myocardium damages and inflammatory reaction as well as the changes in electrocardiographic parameters were established among the examined persons.

Conclusions. The closed chest injury occurs mainly in the able-bodied population that, of course, is an actual factor for a possible unfavorable labour prognosis. When analyzing the ECG parameters and cardiometabolic characteristics, there were detected the deviations earlier absent in these patients and in patients of the comparison group, which showed the myocardial damage.

About the authors

D. S. Vakhrushev

Izhevsk State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
Email: vds11.92@mail.ru

postgraduate student, Department of General Medical Practice and Internal Diseases with Course of Emergency of Advanced Training Faculty and Occupational Training

Russian Federation, Izhevsk


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