Express diagnosis of connective tissue dysplasia in conditions of ambulatory-polyclinic service

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Aim. To detect the most informative signs of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) and develop the method for CTD express diagnosis in conditions of ambulatory and stationary traumatologo-orthopedic service.

Materials and methods. Sixty practically healthy persons were examined. To diagnose the connective tissue pathology, there were used the criteria developed by S.K. Evtushenko (2002), T.Yu. Smolnova (2003) and T.I. Kartunova (2006). Eighteen the most informative criteria were chosen.

Results. The paper is devoted to a widespread and yet not fully studied problem – the connective tissue dysplasia. The basic signs of this disease were analyzed. The most informative criteria of connective tissue dysplasia were singled out. Express test for primary diagnosis of this pathology in conditions of traumatologo-orthopedic service was offered.

Conclusions. Express test of the state of connective tissue structure is simple to perform. It can be used to improve surgical aids in connective tissue dysplasia, when additional stabilization of loco motor system is required.

About the authors

A. S. Denisov

Academician Ye.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой травматологии, ортопедии и военно-полевой хирургии

Russian Federation, 26, Petropavlovskay street, Perm, 614000

D. P. Zagorak

Regional Hospital named after Academician Ye.A. Vagner


врач травматолог-ортопед

Russian Federation, 12, Dementieva str., Berezniki, 618400


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Copyright (c) 2018 Denisov A.S., Zagorak D.P.

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