Damages of locomotor apparatus in children as a result of road accidents

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Aim. To study the specific features of locomotor apparatus injuries and to improve the surgical tactics of treatment using low invasive osteosynthesis techniques in case of road accidents among children.

Materials and methods. The results of surgical treatment of 35 children (age range 2 to14 years) after road accidents were studied at the pediatric traumatology and orthopedics unit. Associated multisystem injuries of the locomotor system constituted 77,1 %. Clinicoroentgenological data, MRT and CT indices were studied. Vegetative dysfunction was assessed. All the patients underwent low invasive surgical intervention with minimized surgical approach, including elastic intramedullary nails, closed transcutaneous pin osteosynthesis under electro-optic transducer control, transosseous osteosynthesis.

Results. All the patients were operated, 80 % of them were operated during the first day after the admission to the hospital. It resulted in early arrest of pain syndrome, fast normalization of vegetative function, prevented the development of traumatic disease or stopped its manifestations. All the results of surgical treatment were estimated as positive. Insignificant contractures were observed in 2 patients after the distal comminuted fracture of the shoulder with decrease in movement amplitude at the level of elbow joint within 15%; no disability was noted; no slowed consolidation and false joints were registered.

Conclusions. Low invasive techniques provide optimal conditions for osseous consolidation and positive functional outcome after road accidents. It is recommended to take into account the status of vegetative functions in patients with associated multisystem injuries.

About the authors

N. M. Belokrylov

Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Email: belokrylov1958@mail.ru

доктор медицинских наук, заведующий отделением детской травматологии и ортопедии

Russian Federation, Perm

V. M. Ladeischikov

Academician Ye.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Email: belokrylov1958@mail.ru

доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры хирургии ФДПО

Russian Federation, Perm

N. B. Schekolova

Academician Ye.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Email: belokrylov1958@mail.ru

доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры травматологии, ортопедии и военно-полевой хирургии

Russian Federation, Perm

S. A. Belyakov

Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital; Academician Ye.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Email: belokrylov1958@mail.ru

ассистент кафедры хирургических болезней детского возраста, детский хирург

Russian Federation, Perm

A. N. Belokrylov

Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital

Email: belokrylov1958@mail.ru

кандидат медицинских наук, врач отделения детской травматологии и ортопедии

Russian Federation, Perm

M. A. Yagovkin

Kirov Regional Clinical Hospital № 3

Email: belokrylov1958@mail.ru

заведующий детским ортопедо-травматологическим отделением

Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Patient Z., 11 years old. Radiographs after open osteosynthesis with a tibial plate, extra-focal hip osteosynthesis for transportation

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3. Fig. 2. Radiographs of patient Z. after consolidation four months after the operation. Traces of callus are visible, denoting the contours of the middle fragment, completely disconnected at the fracture site during the injury period after the bumper stroke.

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4. Fig. 3. Patient K., 13 years old. Trauma with crushing the pelvis under the wheels of the car. The diagnosis is refined by spiral computed tomography: comminuted intraarticular fracture of the acetabulum on the left, violation of the anterior pelvic ring

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5. Fig. 4. Patient K., radiographs and appearance after surgical treatment

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6. Fig. 5. Patient K., 10 years old. The result of simultaneous surgery on three segments (collarbone, hip, tibia), performed two hours after a road injury

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Copyright (c) 2018 Belokrylov N.M., Ladeischikov V.M., Schekolova N.B., Belyakov S.A., Belokrylov A.N., Yagovkin M.A.

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