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Nº 3 (2024)


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History of power

Zemsky Sobors against the background of the representative institutions of Medieval and Early Modern Europe: an essay in comparative typology

Krom M.


The paper deals with one of the most debatable historiographical issues, that of comparability of the Russian Zemsky Sobors with their counterparts in the West. A review of a wide range of the current scholarly literature reveals some stereotypes in the perception of this problem. It is shown that Zemsky Sobors, in spite of some skeptical voices, do share some key common features with the representative institutions elsewhere in Europe and that they can be regarded as a variant of the monarchical model of the medieval representation. The undertaken comparative typological analysis casts some light on the origins of Zemsky Sobors in Russia as well as on the possible causes of their decline in the second half of the 17th century.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):3-21
pages 3-21 views

Profession and community

The concept of legal dualism and its overcoming in contemporary studies of the Russian Empire

Vernyaev I.


The productive interdisciplinary exchange with legal anthropology and the “law and society” paradigm has significantly contributed to the formation of the “legal turn” in historical studies of empires. This “turn” has intensified the study of legal pluralism, the competition and mutual influence among various types of imperial jurisdictions (state, corporate, confessional, ethnic, estate-based, regional, communal, etc.), and the significance of law and judicial institutions in managing diversity and integrating imperial spaces. Additionally, it explores the role of judicial and legal institutions in reinforcing the status and identity of imperial communities and in shaping their interactions with the state. This article, in light of the new interdisciplinary synthesis, discusses one of the oldest and most enduring concepts in the legal-historical sphere of the Russian Empire — the model of “legal dualism”. Formed in the 19th century, this concept remains influential in historiography. It posits the coexistence and sharp distinction between two legal realms: on one hand, a unified realm of modern statutory law and corresponding institutions that regulate the lives of the empire's elite; and on the other hand, an ethnically and locally variable realm of particularistic “customary law” and associated conflict resolution practices prevalent among the heterogeneous population of the imperial center and periphery. According to this concept, the establishment of new courts modeled on European systems during the post-reform period exacerbated the legal and behavioral divide, disrupting pre-existing elements of pre-reform particularistic inclusion of ethnic and class communities. However, recent research has critiqued and revised the “legal dualism” concept in both the pre-reform and post-reform periods. Analyzing this historiographical dynamic has enabled the identification of the most promising avenues for further research on the legal-historical aspects of Russia from the 18th to the early 20th centuries, developing a more realistic depiction of the interaction between the state and various local, regional, class-based, ethnic, and confessional communities within the empire.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):22-42
pages 22-42 views

Dialogue about the book

pages 43-44 views

State power and society of Late Imperial Russia in the assessments of V. A. Maklakov

Minakov A.


The article describes the publication of part of the memoirs of a prominent political and public figure in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, one of the leaders of the Kadet Party, the famous lawyer Vasily Alekseevich Maklakov. The excellent style and content of the memoirs are noted, reflecting the development of the social movement in Russia, the relationship between government and society, the fate of the Kadet Party, and vivid portraits of contemporaries through a biographical context. This publication is very important for the study of the social movement and Russian liberalism of the early twentieth century.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):44-49
pages 44-49 views

A new edition of V. A. Maklakov’s memoirs and revision of historiographical concepts

Andreev D.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the first scientific edition of V.A. Maklakov's memoirs. The author examines the problems of the relationship between the autocracy and the social movement in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):50-54
pages 50-54 views

When the cadet compass broke

Gayda F.


The author examines the features of V.A. Maklakov's view as a memoirist based on his position in the Cadet Party before 1917 and the historical background of interwar Europe. Being a significant figure of the party's right wing, Maklakov attempted to create not just personal memoirs, but a historical work, focusing on the works of A. de Tocqueville. The features of Maklakov's view were largely determined by the controversy in the émigré community.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):54-57
pages 54-57 views

Liberals and the «historical state power» at the dawn of the great upheavals

Almazov M.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the first scientific edition of V.A. Maklakov's memoirs. The author examines the problems of the relationship between the autocracy and the social movement in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):57-68
pages 57-68 views

Autocracy and the Great Reforms in the memoirs of V. A. Maklakov

Mamonov A.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the first scientific edition of V.A. Maklakov's memoirs. The author examines the problems of the relationship between the autocracy and the social movement in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):68-81
pages 68-81 views

Ideas and images

Government authority and the idea of public representation in 1905

Novoselskiy S.


The article is devoted to the development of projects for popular representation by the Russian bureaucracy and the public in 1905. Particular attention is paid to four concepts - the reform of the State Council, the convening of the Zemsky Sobor, the “bulyginskaya duma” and the parliament. The article shows that the choice that was ultimately made in favor of the State Duma meant the government’s conscious refusal of the models of representation born in the 19th century, and finally determined the transformation of the political system of the Russian Empire.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):82-93
pages 82-93 views

«Our immutable symbol “Tsar and freedom”»: Old Believers in the First Russian Revolution

Kerov V.


The article is devoted to the political views of the Old Believers of various consents during the First Russian Revolution. The source base of the study was made up of materials from Old Believer congresses, councils and meetings of 1905-1907, as well as Old Believer periodicals. The analysis showed that the clergy showed the greatest conservatism among the Old Believers, the scholars (were more liberal than others, the Old Believer peasants turned out to be even more radical, demanding the forced confiscation of part of the landowner lands. Old Believer entrepreneurs mainly focused on the Octobrists. But, despite criticism of the "police-bureaucratic regime," all strata and groups of Old Believers adhered to monarchical views. Even liberal scholars, hoping for the Duma, retained faith in the king. At the same time, all consents and social strata condemned violence and rejected cooperation with both the "red" and "black" parties. In general, the political position of the Old Believers at that time was expressed in the slogan: "Long live the tsar! Long live freedom!"

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):94-114
pages 94-114 views

Institutions and communities

Offices and subdistricts of magistrates in pre-revolutionary Siberia

Krestiannikov E.


In the late Russian Empire, the world court stood out from the institutions of justice by the simplicity of procedures and territorial proximity to the submitted. The article is devoted to its introduction, organization, and activities in the Siberian situation. Which forced to pay special attention to the spatial factors of justice, to find ways to optimally localize the offices of justices of the peace and delimit their subdistricts. In the conditions of the region, the implementation of this caused extreme difficulties, since it required simultaneously considering numerous circumstances of a geographical, social and economic nature that distinguished Siberia from other regions of the country.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):115-125
pages 115-125 views

People’s commissariat of property of the Republic

Gordeev P.


The article is devoted to the history of the state institution that existed at the dawn of the Soviet period of the history – the People’s commissariat of property of the Republic (NKIR). Based on the materials of the archives of Saint Petersburg and Moscow, which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the process of the emergence, activity and abolition of this peculiar department, which was the historical successor of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, is shown. A great influence on the fate of the People’s commissariat of A.V. Lunacharsky was revealed, who formally headed another central institution, but at all stages of the history of the NKIR actively intervened in its work and eventually succeeded in joining the NKIR to the People’s commissariat for education. 

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):126-151
pages 126-151 views

German special settlers in the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1945–1955

Sheptalin A.


The article is devoted to a group of Russian Germans stationed in Udmurtia in the status of special settlers. The purpose of the work is a general description of the main parameters of the ethno-legal and socio-cultural functioning of Germans-special settlers in Udmurtia in a foreign-language environment. The methodological basis of the study was an interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of history, sociology and ethnology, using problem-chronological and statistical methods, as well as interviewing and the method of expert assessments. The basis of the source base was made up of archival documents supplemented by the memories of participants and witnesses of the events. The study sheds light on one of the closed aspects of national history, contributes to the elimination of another "white" spot in the hushed-up history of the largest of the peoples of the USSR repressed during the Stalinist period.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):152-162
pages 152-162 views


The living memory of South Russian Slavophilism

Kotov A.


Olga Leonidovna Fetisenko is a famous researcher of Russian conservative thought of the second half of the 19th century, publisher of the complete works of K.N. Leontiev and a number of epistolary complexes associated with him. Her new monograph is dedicated to the forgotten Russian writer N.S. Sokhanskaya (Kokhanovskaya). At first glance, this book is intended primarily for philologists and literary scholars. However, it will certainly be useful to historians studying the social life of Russia in the mid-19th century. After all, the main attention in it is paid to the study of Kokhanovskaya’s literary connections and her journalism. In the writer’s work, Fetisenko identifies “two main directions”: a kind of “archeology” of southern Russian “antiquity” and “a response to current events in their “small details”.”

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):163-167
pages 163-167 views

The romantic of the revolution

Kan G.


The article reviews O.A. Milevsky's book about V.A. Osinsky, one of the founders of political terror in Russia

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):167-174
pages 167-174 views

The first scientific biography of «the leader of the black reaction» N. E. Markov

Nikolaev A.


The reviewed monograph by A.A. Ivanov is the first ever scientific biography of N.E. Markov, a prominent figure from the pre-revolutionary period who was the leader of one of the largest political parties and a well-known member of the State Duma. The author provides a comprehensive and objective analysis of Markov's personality, views, and actions, revealing the motivations that influenced his public and political work.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):174-184
pages 174-184 views

The fate of the «bison»

Demin V.


The review talks about the book by A.A. Ivanov about the leader of the Black Hundreds N.E. Markov. It is emphasized that the book was written on a very serious source base and is the result of many years of work. The author explores in great detail all stages of Markov’s biography, the features of his political views, party, zemstvo and Duma activities. It is shown that Markov, like most other party leaders of the early twentieth century, weakly expressed the interests and desires of their supporters. Work by A.A. Ivanov is a significant contribution to historical science.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):184-188
pages 184-188 views

N. E. Markov and his struggle

Repnikov A.


The review is devoted to the first scientific biography of N.E. Markov (1866–1945). The book was written by Doctor of History. A.A. Ivanov. Review: Ivanov A.A. Leader of the black reaction: Nikolai Evgenievich Markov. St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal, 2023. 639 p.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):188-191
pages 188-191 views

The Mason of the Great East of the peoples of Russia P. M. Makarov

Sokolov A.


Review of the monograph Gordeev P. N. Civil engineer P. M. Makarov and his memories of the revolution and the royal family. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical Herzen University, 2021. - 236 pp., illus.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):191-196
pages 191-196 views

Moscow State Conference in the crosshairs of confrontation

Shelokhaev V.


The author focuses on the initiative minority, which, in fact, was mobilized during the days of the Moscow State Conference. The article notes the great contribution of A.B. Nikolaev in the study of this significant and often ignored political forum in historiography. Thanks to this monograph, it is possible to trace the motivation of key political forces, as well as their leaders. They all had to adapt to the conditions of revolutionary Russia in one way or another. However, in most cases these attempts were unsuccessful, as was clearly demonstrated in August 1917.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):196-201
pages 196-201 views

The political theater of August 1917: stage and backstage

Solovyov K.


Analyzing the monograph by A.B. Nikolaev "The State Conference of 1917: convocation, composition, activity", the author raises the question of the nature of the emerging political system of Russia in 1917, about its internal contradictions, which contributed to the holding of crowded forums, the establishment of new collegial authorities. In fact, there is a significant discrepancy between the institutional design of power and the categorical language of its description, between the social experience of those who tried to determine the political agenda, and the agenda itself, the popular slogans of that time. For this reason, the course of the Moscow State Conference, which became the subject of A.B. Nikolaev's close attention, is very indicative for understanding the political players of that time: they did not fully represent the "game" in which they participated. Moreover, they were unable to determine its rules.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):202-206
pages 202-206 views

Big politics at the Bolshoi Theatre

Puchenkov A.


The article is devoted to the book of the famous St. Petersburg historian A. B. Nikolaev, the subject of whose research was the work of the State Conference in Moscow, held in August 1917, on the eve of the speech of General L. G. Kornilov. For the first time in historiography, the work of this political forum is covered in such detail and thoroughly. The author comes to the conclusion that the State Conference was conceived by A.F. Kerensky and the Provisional Government as an attempt to develop a national consensus during its work. The results of the State Conference were contradictory, demonstrating the instability of the position of both A.F. Kerensky himself and the Provisional Government as a whole.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):206-212
pages 206-212 views

The excessive everyday life of the GULAG special settlements in 1933: the Siberian dimension

Teplyakov A.


The review is devoted to the documentary collection “Special (labor) settlements of Western Siberia in 1933: everyday life of the commandant’s settlements, the Nazi tragedy,” compiled by S.A. Krasilnikov and O.V. Filippenko. It publishes more than 80 documents, full of valuable information about the intentions and results of the exile settlement policy. Documents identified in the State Archive of the Novosibirsk Region, the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation and the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia paint a vivid picture of the unsuccessful penal colonization of the Narym north in the early 1930s. This was an unexpected result for the authorities of efforts to cleanse the cities of the central part of the country and border areas from “déclassé elements.” The documents provide an opportunity to look into the everyday life of two worlds of a special settlement – peasant and urban “déclassé”. It follows from them that constant “excesses,” despite their obvious costs, acted as a routine accompaniment of the most important management actions. The central government considered countless “ordinary” criminal actions on the ground (illegal arrests, expulsions, confiscations against peasants and all kinds of “former people”) as necessary, designed to push the layers unnecessary to socialism to the margins of life. A closed hierarchical system based on the directives of the center gave rise to and developed the arbitrariness of the performers, embodied in published documents.

Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(3):213-217
pages 213-217 views

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