Volume 3, Nº 3 (2023)


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Analysis of the dynamics of the prevalence of tobacco smoking and the incidence of malignant neoplasms in the Russian Federation in 2011–2021

Salagay O., Sakharova G., Antonov N., Shakhzadova A.


Tobacco is an important risk factor for malignant neoplasms (MN). The article provides an analysis of the incidence of MN for 2011–2021 in the Russian Federation among men and women with different levels of tobacco smoking. Materials and methods. The analysis includes the incidence of cancer of the trachea, bronchi and lung (TBLC), laryngeal cancer (LC) (tobacco is a high risk factor), liver cancer (a low risk). Time series of standardized indicators of morbidity per 100 thousand population for 2011–2021 were analyzed. with the calculation of linear trend models. The influence of the smoking prevalence on the morbidity dynamics was assessed by comparing the morbidity trends in periods characterized by an increase and decrease in smoking among men and women, taking into account the 5-year latent period of the development of MN (2011–2017, 2018–2021). Results. In 1990–2013, the prevalence of smoking steadily decreased among men and significantly increased among women. After the adoption in 2013 of Federal Anti-Tobacco Law, smoking among women, as well as among men, began to steadily decline. In 2011–2017, there was a decrease in the incidence of TBLC, LC among men and an increase among women. In 2018–2021 there was the same downward trend among men and women. The incidence of liver cancer among men and women increased during 2011–2021. Conclusion. The incidence of TBLC, LC is significantly associated with the smoking prevalence. A decrease in the smoking prevalence among the population may lead to a decrease in the incidence of tobacco-related MN.
Public health. 2023;3(3):4-13
pages 4-13 views

Study of risk factors of vitamin d deficiency in young children

Solodukhina D., Misnik V.


Vitamin D deficiency in young children presents a current problem of public health in modern Russia. Statistical data on rickets incidence accounts only moderate and severe cases of rickets that is why the sample surveys in children population detect much more cases of clinical manifestation of vitamin D deficiency or its consequences. The purpose of the study was to find out the prevalence rate of rickets signs and risk factors of vitamin D deficiency in young children aged 1–3. Methodology of research: we used survey methods and content-analysis of out-patient records of a random sample that included 127 children aged 1 to 3 in a children polyclinic of Kursk city. By a specially designed questionnaire clinical symptoms of vitamin D deficiency were detected, risk factors of rickets in anamnesis, use of specific and non-specific antenatal and postnatal prophylaxis of rickets were investigated. Results of the study: minimum two signs of rickets were detected in children by 53 mothers – respondents (42% of the sample), the most frequent complaints were bald spots on the back of the head (71,7%), excessive back of the head sweating (58,5%), emotional instability (30,2%), frequent crying (22,6%), anxiety and poor sleep quality (20,8%). There were identified the following factors that had statistically significant association with development of clinical signs of rickets: short breast feeding, maternal complications during pregnancy, absence of specific prophylaxis of vitamin D deficiency in antenatal and postnatal periods (p<0,05). Season of baby’s birth and maternal age did not have statistically significant association with rickets’ signs. Conclusion. The problem of vitamin D deficiency in young children often remains under-reported, so being untreated it can lead to delayed consequences for health of children and adolescents. A particular attention of pediatricians and parents must be paid to specific antenatal and postnatal prophylaxis, prolonged breast feeding until 12–18 months 
Public health. 2023;3(3):14-20
pages 14-20 views


Regional peculiarities of hospitalizations and outpatient medical treatment among the adult population with established type 2 diabetes mellitus

Shepel R., Levchenko E., Lusnikov V., Kontsevaya A., Drapkina O.


Purpose. To analyze the indicators of hospitalization and outpatient visits of patients aged 18 years and older with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) in federal districts (FD) and regions of the Russian Federation from the perspective of the World Health Organization concept of ambulatory care sensitive conditions. Materials and methods. The analysis included data from the annual forms of federal statistics (forms No. 12 and No. 14), on the number of hospitalizations and the outpatient visits of patients aged 18 years and older diagnosed of type 2 diabetes (ICD10: E11) in 2022. Results. We analyzed the data of the federal statistics (forms No. 12 and No. 14) of the Federal District and the regions of the Russian Federation in 2022. It was found that in the North Caucasus Federal District, an increased level of adult hospitalization is associated with an increased ratio of the number of hospitalizations to the number of outpatient visits to the primary health care (PHC) facilities. At the same time, in FDs with adult outpatient visits is higher than the Russian average and adult hospitalization is higher than the Russian average (Ural, Central and Volga FDs). And vice versa, in FDs with adult outpatient visits is lower than the Russian average and adult hospitalization is lower than the Russian average (Southern, Far Eastern, Siberian and North-Western FDs). When analyzing the ratio of the number of hospitalizations to the number of outpatient visits to PHC facilities among the adult population, the highest indicator was recorded in the North Caucasus FD, while the heterogeneity of the indicator within the FD was one of the highest among the other FDs. The lowest indicator of the number of hospitalizations to the number of cases of treatment in PHC facilities among the adult population with type 2 DM was recorded in the Northwestern FD, while the heterogeneity of the indicator within the FD was the lowest among the other FGs. There was a high variability of the ratio both for all subjects of the Russian Federation and FDs. The ratio values ranged from 2,55 in the Novgorod Region to 31,39 in the Chechen Republic. Conclusion. Accounting for diseases that can be treated on an outpatient basis can become one of the tools for assessing the quality of medical care to the adult population in PHC facilities. However, before including this indicator as a criterion for assessing the quality of medical services, a deeper understanding of the reasons influencing its change is required. 
Public health. 2023;3(3):21-35
pages 21-35 views

Comparative analysis of the mortality structure of the urban and rural population of the rostov region for the period from 2019 to 2022

Sharkunov N., Shin V., Makarenko A., Moroz A., Memetova A., Kim Y., Grishin D.


The purpose of the study: to study the structure of mortality of the population of the Rostov region among residents of the city and village. Materials and methods. Data from statistical collections of the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Rostov Region for the period 2019–2022 and data from the unified state register of civil status records for the same period using methods of comparative analysis and statistical processing were used. Results. During the study period, there is a downward trend in the total population of the region, against which there is an increase in mortality in the first three years of the study and a slight decrease in 2022. The peak of mortality growth is in 2021, which, according to the authors of the article, is associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The prevalence of the urban population over the rural population has been established. Diseases of the circulatory system prevailed as the main cause of mortality among both population groups throughout the study period. Conclusion. Throughout the entire period of the study, there is a clear trend towards a decrease in the total population of the region, against which, during the first three years, there is an annual increase in the total number of deaths, both among city residents and among rural residents, in 2022 there is a decrease in the total number of deaths compared to 2021 among both population groups, while not reaching the 2019 level. The maximum increase in mortality from all causes falls on 2021, and the maximum increase is observed among residents of the city and village, while in the city it is much higher than in rural areas. This fact is certainly related to the impact on the overall mortality of the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the study period, mortality from diseases of the circulatory system prevailed over other causes.
Public health. 2023;3(3):36-43
pages 36-43 views


Surgical safety: effectiveness based on collective intelligence and implementation challenges (review)

Benyan A., Korymasov E., Chertukhina O., Khranovsky D., Medvedchikov-Ardiia M.


The authors used databases Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, MedLine, RSCI for a systematic periodicals review on surgical safety issues published from 2000 to 2022. The literature review has shown that organization of interaction and communication, quality of completion of the checklist, assessment of the clinical effectiveness of the checklist, possibility of adapting the checklist to the conditions of a particular surgical department, increased compliance of healthcare professionals with the use of the surgical safety checklist, possibility of patient participation in completing the checklist appear to be the basic issues requiring a critical look and a prospective discussion. The introduction of individual components of quality control and medical care safety is known to be a rather long and staged process, during which systematic approaches, starting points and control points are repeatedly reviewed. The high level of specialists training and concentration, the need for clear communications within the surgical team, strict follow the preventive rules can serve as the initial guidelines requiring constant training control. The process principle of quality service management and the incorporation of new technologies for optimization filling and digitalization of the checklist will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of surgical safety.
Public health. 2023;3(3):44-56
pages 44-56 views


Art as a path to public health: to the 320-year anniversary of St. Petersburg (on the example of the author’s project)

Saginbaev U.


Introduction. The article examines the important role of art and culture in ensuring public health. In particular, this method of informing the population seems to be the most digestible and memorable. In other words, a multidisciplinary approach can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health care organization methods in terms of raising public awareness.Target: raising public awareness of aspects of primary and secondary prevention (exemplified by ophthalmic pathology) through the collaboration of health organization with art and culture.Methods. In the course of the work, methods of theoretical generalization, analysis of scientific literature, photographing, adapted image editing, compilation and distribution of sanitary pools, conducting a conversation with the population, and questionnaires were applied.Results. Within the framework of the project «Jubilee Sanbulleti. 320 St. Petersburg «developed original sanitation, combining not only hygiene and prevention, but also aspects of culture and art. A high role in public health of approaches such as collaboration (collaboration) and interdisciplinary is noted.Conclusion. The fundamental approaches of this project make it possible to integrate the foundations of primary and secondary prevention into almost all aspects of our activities, and such implementation is carried out evenly, without obsession. This property of the project correlates with the basic principles of modern health care – preventive and participative.
Public health. 2023;3(3):57-62
pages 57-62 views


Nikolay Ivanovich Briko is 70

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Public health. 2023;3(3):63-63
pages 63-63 views

Leila Seymurovna Namazova-Baranova is 60

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Public health. 2023;3(3):64-64
pages 64-64 views

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