Art as a path to public health: to the 320-year anniversary of St. Petersburg (on the example of the author’s project)

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Introduction. The article examines the important role of art and culture in ensuring public health. In particular, this method of informing the population seems to be the most digestible and memorable. In other words, a multidisciplinary approach can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health care organization methods in terms of raising public awareness.Target: raising public awareness of aspects of primary and secondary prevention (exemplified by ophthalmic pathology) through the collaboration of health organization with art and culture.Methods. In the course of the work, methods of theoretical generalization, analysis of scientific literature, photographing, adapted image editing, compilation and distribution of sanitary pools, conducting a conversation with the population, and questionnaires were applied.Results. Within the framework of the project «Jubilee Sanbulleti. 320 St. Petersburg «developed original sanitation, combining not only hygiene and prevention, but also aspects of culture and art. A high role in public health of approaches such as collaboration (collaboration) and interdisciplinary is noted.Conclusion. The fundamental approaches of this project make it possible to integrate the foundations of primary and secondary prevention into almost all aspects of our activities, and such implementation is carried out evenly, without obsession. This property of the project correlates with the basic principles of modern health care – preventive and participative.

About the authors

U. R. Saginbaev

St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9709-1882


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