To the question of raising the level of awareness of doctors about high-tech medical care

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Maintenance of availability and quality of high-tech medical care is a priority direction in progress of system of healthcare. Thus the predominating role in the organization of rendering to the population of the given type of the help is played with awareness of the medical personnel, on issues regarding its provision. Objective of the present research was studying awareness of doctors of a stationary link concerning the organization of rendering of hightech medical care after the lead introduction of practical recommendations on increase of a level of their knowledge. Repeated sociological interrogation by questioning 129 doctors, under specially developed questionnaire consisting of 20 questions has been lead. During carrying out of research it has been revealed, that the comprehensive idea about high-tech medical care had any more 76,2±3,9% of respondents, and 95,3±1,9% with reliability of distinction (р <0,01) and more 4,7% approximately owned the information. It is meaningful result, as of them (26,7%) have noted been by many the evident material which is being the medical organization. Except for that interrogation has shown the increased fraction of respondents (with 46,0±4,5% up to 72,0±3,9%) (р <0,001), owning the normative- legal acts regulating rendering of the given type of the help.But everything, remains enough the big percent of doctors which have faced problems in its understanding. Interrogation also has shown, that practically 100% of respondents knowing normative-legal documents, are familiar well enough and with criteria of selection of patients on rendering to them high-tech medical care. As a whole carried out research has shown the increased awareness of the medical personnel of the regional medical organizations and expediency of use in them of an evident material, as well as introduction in cycles of improvement of the information concerning the organization of rendering of hightech medical care.

About the authors

I. B. Naberezhnaya

FSBEI HE Astrakhan SMU MOH Russia


U. D. Zakharova

FSBEI HE Astrakhan SMU MOH Russia



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