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Mathematical experiment has always been a key source for mathematical discovery. Over the past 50 years, thanks to digital technologies, its role in mathematical research has grown significantly. Digital technologies have opened up fundamentally new opportunities for experimentation in mathematics education, bringing the majority of students of mathematical education closer to mathematical research. Such an approximation is especially desirable in the modern world, where it becomes possible thanks to digital technologies. The article discusses the results of the work of the authors over the past decades on the application of a computer mathematical experiment at different levels of school and university education. Particular attention is paid to dynamic geometry environments. The possibilities of using computer algebra systems are also considered. The project of schoolchildren’s work on generalizations of Napoleon’s theorem is considered in detail.

Sobre autores

G. Shabat

Russian State University for the Humanities; Moscow Pedagogical State University; Independent Moscow University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russian Federation, Moscow; Russian Federation, Moscow; Russian Federation, Moscow

A. Semenov

Lomonosov Moscow State University; Institute of Education, HSE University; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russian Federation, Moscow; Russian Federation, Moscow; Russian Federation, Moscow


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